Training Materials
Sport Pilot Ground School - Live
over the Internet
PPC Guide & Training Manual
Weather To Fly 2
Weather To Fly
Sport Pilot Ground School
Sport Pilot Ground School over the
Internet is for pilots who want to review topics required for the Sport Pilot
Knowledge Test (written test) with an instructor, without leaving home.
Topics are presented in a limited attendee conference call and visual
(PowerPoint) material delivered over the Internet. Small class size allows
questions to be answered real-time as the material is presented. The classes can
be taken anywhere there is access to both a phone line and an Internet
During each module, sample test questions are available and discussed, offering
familiarity with the FAA written testing procedures.
Once a module is taken, the student can attend that module again at no charge,
space available.
Modules are also available outlining the transition from Ultralight Pilot to
Sport Pilot and for Private Pilots exercising Sport Pilot Privileges. The
transition of an ultralight vehicle to Light Sport Aircraft is also covered.
These introductory modules are of value to BFI/AFIs who are planning to instruct
as Light Sport Instructors and CFIs who plan for instruct in Light Sport
Make the most of the skills and knowledge already acquired and focus in on the
areas that need review.
Live Ground School over the

23385 Cattail, Barrington, IL 60010
(847) 382-7029 Cell (847) 612-8437
Classroom style Sport Pilot Ground School and BFI/AFI
Refresher Seminars are also available upon request
PPC Guide &
Training Manual

PPC Guide &
Training Manual
SkyTrails Ranch, Inc. offers time-tested powered parachute training materials
As the powered parachute industry strives to standardize PPC training, SkyTrails
Ranch, Inc. has completed the 3rd edition of their Powered Parachute Guide &
Training Manual. This manual is a living, evolving composition of art, humor and
data. The goal of the ‘Ranch’ (SkyTrails Ranch, Inc.) is to see this manual grow
into a PPC Training Standard. All Instructors & personnel, who would like to see
this sport improve its Training standards, and thus its safety record, are
invited to add content to this growing document.
The incentive for the manual was simply the Need for it. Years
ago, when the ‘Ranch’ began its full-time, year-round powered parachute training
program, there appeared to be a void of PPC information. Only one book (‘Rockin
John Carr’s: "The Paraflight Experience" - now
unfortunately 'out-of-print') was available to the public and
Instructors to began to spread light, and thus insight into the powered
parachute sport. So, the ‘Ranch’ began to research & document. And boy was the
research needed. Both of the founders of the PPC course began (and
completed) their individual training with "Don’t forget to turn off the
engine when you land." No FAR 103 briefing, no wing kiting techniques, no
flaring insights, no aerodynamics – well, you’ve got the picture. And
perhaps many of you started out your PPC adventures in a similar muddled manner.
Well, now Instructors and new PPC students have available to them, a complete
training manual that leads them through the necessity of a good preflight,
through aerodynamics and the principles of PPC flight, FAR 103, 2-Seat
Exemptions, weather, air turbulence, airport procedures, radio etiquette, and
easy step-by-(simple) step flight tasks. The manual immediately opens with an
enticing article about an almost-incredible PPC experience by Jim Strahle,
titled: "My Epiphany". And then it begins to move the reader into the ‘meat &
potatoes’ of powered parachutes with a section on "Frequently Asked Questions".
The above mentioned topics are then covered along with Safety & Consideration
issues, and Parachute Care & Maintenance information. The manual is completed
with an Appendix that covers references; recommended steps in purchasing a PPC;
a chute stall primer by Bill Gargano; an initial inspection check-list; a
100-hour check-list; web references; current PPC Manufacturer’s data; and
information on: How to become a BFI. There is even more stuff included (but
you are getting the picture by now), and of course, all of this information
is sprinkled with humor, making it not just an easy study, but an enjoyable
read. [The manual's 'Table-of-Contents' - from the 2nd edition - follows this
SkyTrails Ranch offers the manual on computer CD or hardcopy (in loose leaf
binder format – which is far better for adding new updated information). For
Dealers and Instructors, that
decide to use the manual as part of their own unique PPC training program,
the CD can be created with the logo & pictures of the Manufacturer, Dealer or
Instructor. Also, the opening, preface and introductory pages may be modified to
‘personalize’ the manual to the specific requirements of the Instructor, etc. As
another convenience, the local training center can setup an annual payment
system that will allow the local center to automatically receive updates, and
the rights to locally print the manual, in order to save shipping, and to supply
any immediate needs of the student.
One advantage, which should be separately noted of the computer CD, is the
embedded videos that the student can ‘click’ to. This is a huge asset for those
of us who learn primarily by visual stimulation. (You know, those who just
look for the pictures when learning or assembling, and read the words only after
‘all else fails’.)
However, there is one warning that should be given with these training materials
– the author’s sense of humor. Those of you that know Frederick Scheffel
immediately understand this comment, and realize that his time during his formal
education as a Psychologist may have been better spent at the local Comedy
Clubs. And those of you that do not know him – well, be prepared to learn and
laugh at the same time! Humor is thoughtfully placed throughout the manual’s
250+ pages of colorful, informative graphics and concise text. This humor is not
just to place a smile on the reader, but to enhance and enforce essential PPC
Please review our
online order form
of Powered Parachute Training materials to see our currently available
items from SkyTrails Ranch, Inc., and are available with significant discounts
for quantities or annual (update) contracts: (prices given are only for
single or end-user sales)
Weather To Fly 2

"Get Smarter Each Time You Fly!" TM
Weather To Fly 2 For Sport Pilots with Paul Hamilton is a much needed
instructional program on pilot weather and meteorology for light sport aviation
and light sport aircraft including weight-shift trikes, powered paragliders,
powered parachutes, and fixed wing 3-axis.
The "Weather To Fly" system takes pilot capabilities plus aircraft limitations
and weights them against the weather in the ultimate decision of "whether to
Flight instructor, Paul Hamilton, takes you through a simple step-by-step
process that is easy to follow. You will learn about regional and local
influences on weather in a straight-forward presentation.
You will be able to forecast local conditions yourself and interpret weather
information accurately to develop a clear mental picture of the conditions that
may affect your flight.
Time lapsed cinematography of cloud formations, in-air footage, and animation is
used to simplify complex weather concepts, as well as, illustrate consequences
of pilot judgement.
After a brief introduction, you begin with "The Global Energy Engine - How the
weather starts". This gives a global view of the hot and cold air masses, air
currents, and weather patterns. This provides the basis for the "Big Picture" of
weather and lays the foundation for your understanding of weather.
Then you move to the "Weather To Fly" system. The 5 step process guides you in
select appropriate weather conditions for safer and more enjoyable flights.
Step One is "Information Resources Preparation". You learn where to get the best
weather information. The internet site is one of the great
weather resources covered.
In Step Two, "Observing your Local Weather", you learn how to observe conditions
at your local site. The section on clouds, terrain, and wind provide the tools.
Typical local characteristics for mountains, deserts, marine, and other types of
terrain are discussed. The Sport Pilot 1-800 WX-Brief is also covered.
In Step Three, "Whether to Fly?", you learn how important it is to compare your
aircraft limitations and pilot capabilities to the weather conditions. Physical
condition, mental attitude, as well as, the pressure to fly from family,
friends, and ourselves are discussed.
Step Four, "The Flight", takes you through flight planning and pre-flight with
the emphasis on weather considerations. You'll get some great tips on using your
instruments, including your GPS, to measure horizontal wind and vertical air
currents. Safety issues relating to weather are discussed.
Finally, Step Five, "The Analysis" is where you compare your flight to the
predictions you made prior to your flight. Here is where you learn how to
develop your understanding of the air you choose to fly in. Making note of your
observations and any trends or patterns for future reference helps you "get
smarter each time you fly".
The Global Energy Engine - How weather starts
Regional Weather, Local Conditions & Upper Air,
and Sport Pilot Briefing 800WX Brief
Clouds, Terrain, Wind & Gusts
Compare aircraft/pilot capabilities to the weather
Evaluate physical condition & mental attitude
Flight planning, Instruments, and Flight Techniques
Flight conditions, Events, Prediction, and Feedback
Determine trends & patterns
Producer Comments
This program is packed with useful details with a comprehensive view of the
basics and practical applications that you can use immediately. Expert pilots
will be able to follow all points in their first viewing, while newer pilots may
view it a number of times to full grasp all of the concepts. Our goal was to
make this program beneficial for new, as well as, experienced pilots.
"Weather To Fly 2 For Sport Pilots" is patterned after the original and highly
successful "Weather To Fly - Basic Concepts for Flight with Dixon White", which
has become the industry standard for ultralight and soaring pilots. Dixon White
of Dixon's Airplay Paragliding School located in Arizona and Washington State,
as well as, Dennis Pagen, Author of "Understanding the Sky - A Sport Pilots
Guide to Flying Conditions" were consultants on this project.
Using the principles presented in Weather To Fly, you can make better decisions
about "whether to fly". Track your flight history and educating yourself for
future flights by having an easy reference to past conditions and the quality of
the flight you had. See trends that you might not have seen if you hadn't had
documentation. Try to "get smarter each time you fly".
Edition Details:
Area of Interest: For Pilots of any Light Sport Aircraft including
weight-shift trikes, powered paragliders, powered parachutes, and fixed wing
Main Feature TRT: 78 Minutes
ISBN: 1-929795-68-8
Special DVD Features:
Scene Selection
Movie Trailers
Digitally Mastered
Interactive Menus
English Digital Audio
Producer: Paul Hamilton
Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days.
Weather to Fly

![Weather To Fly, Basic Concepts for [Soaring] Flight with Dixon White - DVD](training_manuals_files/image008.gif)
"Get Smarter Each
Time You Fly!"
A much needed instructional DVD on meteorology. Dixon White, Master pilot and
USHGA Examiner, and first Paraglider Instructor of the Year, takes you through a
simple step-by-step process showing where to acquire weather data and how to
interpret it.
This program will help pilots of any aircraft understand more about modeling and
forecasting. You learn about regional and local influences and how to determine
winds aloft and stability.
The Weather To Fly system take pilot capabilities plus aircraft limitations and
weight them against the weather in the ultimate decision of "whether to fly".
The 5 step process guides you in select appropriate weather conditions for safer
and more enjoyable flights. You learn how to develop your understanding of the
air you choose to fly in. Making note of your observations and any trends or
patterns for future reference helps you "get smarter each time you fly".
The Weather To Fly DVD is an over-all view packed with useful details and
includes great cloud footage. It is a straight-forward presentation that is easy
to follow. Time lapsed cinematography of cloud formations, in-air footage is
used to simplify complex weather concepts, as well as, illustrate consequences
of pilot judgement.
Details Covered:
WEATHER DATA - Learn where to acquire weather data and how to interpret
OVER-ALL WIND - Learn about the Jet Stream, Iso Bars, along with High and
Low pressure systems
STABILITY - Learn terms, temperature with altitude, pressure system
effect, and over-all changes
How to evaluate basic CLOUD SYSTEMS
Producer Comments
This program is packed with useful details with a comprehensive view of the
basics and practical applications that you can use immediately.
Expert pilots will be able to follow all points in their first viewing, while
newer pilots may view it a number of times to full grasp all of the concepts.
Our goal was to make this program beneficial for new, as well as, experienced
Using the principles presented in Weather To Fly, you can make better decisions
about "whether to fly".
Track your flight history and educating yourself for future flights by having an
easy reference to past conditions and the quality of the flight you had. See
trends that you might not have seen if you hadn't had documentation. Try to "get
smarter each time you fly".
Edition Details:
Area of Interest: For Pilots of any Aircraft; Hang Glider, Paraglider,
Powered Paraglider, Ultralight, Trike, Powered Parachute, Sailplane, and
Main Feature TRT: 50 Minutes
ISBN: 1-929795-33-5
Special DVD Features:
Scene Selection
Movie Trailers
Digitally Mastered
Interactive Menus
English Digital Audio
Producer: Paul Hamilton
Availability: Usually ships in 2-3 business days.