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Hello Everyone,
We now have an application for the First Flight insurance policy available for
download directly from our website. You can see it at:
United States Ultralight Association, Inc.
Dale Hooper
Executive Vice President
Insurance update from USUA
USUA staff has been busy with the final preparations for the new USUA Insurance
Program. We have received a draft of the proposed policy, and have addressed
some of the issues involved in bringing this to fruition.
Some particulars that can be announced:
BODILY INJURY each person per accident $100,000
PROPERTY DAMAGE per accident $500,000
BODILY INJURY & PROPERTY DAMAGE Combined Limit per accident $1,000,000
BODILY INJURY Aggregate $1,000,000
The definitions of the covered ultralight include:
single and two seat fixed, flexible or collapsible wing, engine powered
aircraft, which must be USUA Registered of not more than 992 U.S. pounds (450
kilograms) which has a power-off stall speed which does not exceed 35 knots (40
mph) calibrated airspeed at maximum gross weight including power hang gliders,
powered para gliders and powered parachutes.
Although there has not been a definitive premium established for this policy,
USUA and First Flight hope to have this policy available for under $400.
Participation in this program will also dictate the pricing. Need I say more?
Updates will be forthcoming.
United States Ultralight Association, Inc.
Dale Hooper
Executive Vice President
USUA is pleased to announce that, after negotiations with First Flight Insurance
Group, 3rd party liability insurance will soon be available for USUA
members. Even though the preparations are still in the final stages, USUA has
confirmed that USUA registered ultralight pilots will soon be able to purchase
insurance for their USUA registered vehicles. Coverage will be extended to
single and two seat fixed wing, weight shift (trike) and powered parachute
vehicles. This new USUA program is being administered by First Flight Insurance
Group, a leading provider of sport aviation insurance and underwritten by Lloyds
of London, the most highly respected and revered underwriter of insurance.
It is important to note that this policy will offer 3rd party
liability insurance coverage for non-commercial operations only. First Flight
presently offers a more comprehensive coverage package to commercial operations
(instructors and flight schools), and have done so done for several years. They
offer a variety of plans ranging from commercial 3rd Party Liability
to full coverage, designed to fit each instructor's needs. If you are a BFI,
USUA encourages you to look into these commercial programs. This new program is
designed to allow non-commercial ultralight pilots the benefits insurance
coverage can offer. It has been offered to USUA pilots as a result of the
industry recognized high standards, safety record and integrity of the USUA
ultralight pilot training program.
"USUA headquarters received reports from all over the country from members who
had been denied access to or had been forced off airports because of the
unavailability of simple 3rd party liability insurance. In response
to this dilemma, USUA staff embarked on a mission to obtain a source of
insurance for our members. It has finally paid off. This program will fill the
void and it will provide USUA members with the peace of mind that comes from
having insurance coverage. USUA is proud to have secured this much-needed
commodity for our members. As you might remember, insurance of this type was
available in the past. But due to the lack of interest and participation within
the ultralight community, these programs were discontinued. To ensure that this
excellent opportunity remains available for years to come, I encourage ALL
ultralight pilots to take advantage of this offer," reports USUA Executive Vice
President Dale Hooper.
Once the program is in place, (sometime after January 2004) the application
process will begin with USUA members contacting First Flight Insurance Group
directly. First Flight will then verify membership and registration status with
USUA. Once the verification process is complete, the insurance company will
determine the final issuance of insurance.
Over the past seven years First Flight Insurance Group has insured operations
such as; parasailing, hang gliding, paragliding, ultralight instruction,
underwater instructors, kite boarding, water ski instruction and many other such
activities. They also provide a liability market for recreational rental
businesses, like jet ski, kayak, canoe, sail and pontoon boat rentals. First
Flight presently insures the United States Ultralight Association, the United
States Hang Gliding Association, the National Association of Underwater
Instructors, and provides coverage for members of the Professional Air Sports
It is important to note that this new USUA sponsered insurance program is being
administered solely by First Flight Insurance Group, and USUA staff is not
involved with processing policies or responding to any future claims.
In extending this coverage to our members, USUA gratefully acknowledges the
confidence and faith entrusted to us by Robert Wells and the staff of First
Flight Insurance Group. Now, it's time to do your part. Don't let this
opportunity slip away.
USUA will put new information on the
Insurance Page of our website as soon as we get it. In addition, we have set
up an e-mail announcement list to notify people when new details are announced.
If you would like to subscribe to this list, please subscribe below:
On December
9, 2003, Dale Hooper also announced this new insurance program on UltraFlight
Listen to Dale's announcement here.
USUA was there for you
then, we are here for you now and we will be there for you tomorrow.
Below is a list of companies that offer various insurance services to ultralight
pilots and instructors:
Life Insurance:
1st Financial Services
Party Liability And Flight School:
First Flight Insurance Group
(252) 261-1903
USUA is working hard to find insurance underwriters for members. EVP Rich
Pendergist and volunteer insurance committee chairman Vic Worthington have been
beating the bushes to find a source for 3rd party liability insurance for the
assorted craft operating under Part 103 and the exemption. Members should know
there is some signs of the insurance industry softening its position on writing
insurance for ultralights.. USUA will not make empty promises so further
details must be withheld S but help may be here soon.
Insurance for Instructors: While USUA is not at liberty to publicly endorse
any company, we can tell members that the only firm source of insurance
available right now is for instructors. There is currently coverage for those
instructors who can show positive business intent, either on a full time or part
time basis. This commercial coverage includes 3rd party liability coverage for
the instructor as well as a supervised student. Robert Wells, First Flight
Insurance Group invites candidate instructors to apply. Call First Flight at
252- 261-1903.
Additionally, Denver based insurance company Brown and Brown Insurance is
offering Hangar Insurance. This is very affordable premises coverage that will
help meet airport requirements for many applicants. It should be noted that this
coverage, by definition, is for non commercial applications. Denise Ferrill,
Brown and Brown invites all interested parties to call 720-963-4279.
USUA is committed to finding insurance for its members and will keep members
posted on its progress.