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Part 103

Part 103 Preamble



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Sport Pilot
Pilot Logbooks


(a) Training time and aeronautical experience. Each person must document and record the following time in a manner acceptable to the Administrator:
            (1) Training and aeronautical experience used to meet the requirements for a certificate, rating, or flight review of this part.
            (2) The aeronautical experience required for meeting the recent flight experience requirements of this part.

(b) Logbook entries. For the purposes of meeting the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, each person must enter the following information for each flight or lesson logged:
            (1) General -
                        (i) Date.
                        (ii) Total flight time or lesson time.
                        (iii) Location where the aircraft departed and arrived, or for lessons in a flight simulator or flight training device, the location where the
                             lesson occurred.
                        (iv) Type and identification of aircraft, flight simulator, or flight training device, as appropriate.
                        (v) Omitted
            (2) Type of pilot experience or training -
                        (i) Solo.
                        (ii) Pilot in command.
                        (iii) Omitted
                        (iv) Flight and ground training received from an authorized instructor.
                        (v) Training received in a flight simulator or flight training device from an authorized instructor.
            (3) Conditions of flight -
                        (i) Day or night.
                        (ii) Omitted
                        (iii) Simulated instrument conditions in flight, a flight simulator, or a flight training device.
            (4) {does not exist - Ed.}

(c) Logging of pilot time. The pilot time described in this section may be used to:
            (1) Apply for a certificate or rating issued under this part or a privilege authorized under this part; or
            (2) Satisfy the recent flight experience requirements of this part.

(d) Logging of solo flight time. Except for a student pilot performing the duties of pilot in command of an airship requiring more than one pilot flight crewmember, a pilot may log as solo flight time only that flight time when the pilot is the sole occupant of the aircraft.

(e) Logging pilot-in-command flight time.
            (1) A sport, recreational, private, or commercial pilot may log pilot-in-command time only for that flight time during which that person–
                        (i)  Is the sole manipulator of the controls of an aircraft for which the pilot is rated or has privileges;
                        (ii) Is the sole occupant of the aircraft; or
                        (iii) Except for a recreational pilot, is acting as pilot in command of an aircraft on which more than one pilot is required under the type
                             certification of the aircraft or the regulations under which the flight is conducted.
            (2) Omitted
            (3) An authorized instructor may log as pilot-in-command time all flight time while acting as an authorized instructor.
            (4) A student pilot may log pilot-in-command time only when the student pilot -
                        (i) Omitted
                        (ii) Has a current solo flight endorsement as required under § 61.87 of this part; and
                        (iii) Is undergoing training for a pilot certificate or rating.

(f) Logging second-in-command flight time. Omitted

(g) Logging instrument flight time. Omitted

(h) Logging training time.
            (1) A person may log training time when that person receives training from an authorized     instructor in an aircraft, flight simulator, or flight
                 training device.
            (2) The training time must be logged in a logbook and must:
                        (i) Be endorsed in a legible manner by the authorized instructor; and
                        (ii) Include a description of the training given, the length of the training lesson, and the authorized instructor's signature, certificate
                            number, and certificate expiration date.

(i) Presentation of required documents.
            (1) Persons must present their pilot certificate, medical certificate, logbook, or any other record required by this part for inspection upon a
                 reasonable request by -
                        (i) The Administrator;
                        (ii) An authorized representative from the National Transportation Safety Board; or
                        (iii) Any Federal, State, or local law enforcement officer.
            (2) A student pilot must carry the following items in the aircraft on all solo cross-country flights as evidence of the required authorized instructor
                  clearances and endorsements -
                        (i) Pilot logbook;
                        (ii) Student pilot certificate; and
                        (iii) Any other record required by this section.
            (3) A recreational pilot must carry his or her logbook with the required authorized instructor endorsements on all solo flights -
                        (i) That exceed 50 nautical miles from the airport at which training was received;
                        (ii) Within airspace that requires communication with air traffic control;
                        (iii) Conducted between sunset and sunrise; or
                        (iv) In an aircraft for which the pilot does not hold an appropriate category or class rating.
            (4)  A sport pilot must carry his or her logbook or other evidence of required authorized instructor endorsements on all flights. 
            (5)  A flight instructor with a sport pilot rating must carry his or her logbook or other evidence of required authorized instructor endorsements on
                 all flights when providing flight training.

Check the full regulation for paragraphs omitted

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Copyright © 2001 North American Powered Parachute Federation
Last modified: 07/23/09