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Contact NAPPF
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October 2004
Let’s Build A Bridge!!
April 2004
Flying Legally
March 2004
Safety Seminars
February 2004
January 2004 So you want to have a PPC fly-in!
January 2004 NAPPF after Sport Pilot
December 2003 The PPC
Pilots’ Organization
November 2003 Déjà
Vu, All Over Again
October 2003 Women
and Powered Parachutes
September 2003 Come Fly
with Me
August 2003 Guard the Mag Switches
July 2003 Meteorology for Powered Parachutes
June 2003 The Wind – Is it “friend” or “foe?”
May 2003
Learning from others, don’t let history repeat itself!
April 2003 Update
August 2002 Security
July 2002
Involvement in the Industry
June 2002 National
MAY 2002
Arriving To A Consensus
April 2002 Sport Pilot & NAPPF Admin
March 2002 Sport Pilot
February 2002 It’s Not Too Late
January 2002
December 2001
November 2001 2001 World Powered
Parachute Championship
October 2001 Wake Up Call
September 2001 What to Do?
July 2001 Open for Business
June 2001
Board Meeting
October 2004
Ralph McClurg
NAPPF Update
Let’s Build A Bridge!!
Why would we talk about bridge
building? We are pilots and flying enthusiasts!! We don’t even need a bridge!!
Oh, yes we do. We need a bridge very badly, and if we start right now with the
right tools and the right attitude, we can build it rapidly. The bridge that I
am talking about is intended to connect the GA community with the UL community.
That is, the General Aviation people with the Ultralight people.
Some will say, there is not a gap between the two, so why do we need a bridge.
If that is a true statement where you are, great, and you are lucky in that you
do not need a bridge. The truth is, though, that in almost every location there
is a gap between the two communities. There is a training gap, a size-of-toy
gap, a credentials gap, a privileges gap, a services available gap, an image
gap, and a communications gap. Very few of us can say that we are not aware of
someone in the GA community looking down on someone in the UL community, or
someone in the UL community ridiculing the GA guys for their continued
schooling, and expensive options. It happens, it has happened for a long time,
and it will continue to happen until we build that bridge. And speaking of
bridges, the new Sport Pilot program is an excellent way to get the construction
started. You might say that the new rule puts the bridge abutments in place and
it is up to us to construct the span overhead. We occupy the same air, albeit
at different altitudes and different speeds. We have so much in common and yet
we are so different!!
I have been on both sides. I have flown certified aircraft since 1966, and
Ultralights since 1996. I love both. I enjoy the convenience of a 3 hour
flight in lieu of a 13 hour drive. I love the simplicity and thrill of flying
just above the trees in the evening and watching the wildlife begin their
nocturnal food search from my open-air machine. I seldom leave the earth in
either of the 2 types of flying machines that I do not say something like this,
“Boy, this earth God gave us is beautiful from up here, and I’m glad I have the
chance to see it this way!!”
I have friends on both sides of the gap. One that comes to mind very sternly
said, “I could never fly anything that is not certified!”. He seems to have
missed out on the fact that certification is a one-time event and on every
flight the pilot “self certifies” that the aircraft is airworthy. A friend on
the other side has repeatedly said, “they just don’t know what real flying is.
All they are is a bunch of systems programmers who become organic ballast in a
computerized powered airfoil! They cannot possible know the real enjoyment of
flying with the wind in your face and the entire earth open for your casual and
leisurely inspection.” Those may be the two extremes, but you must agree that
they each represent a view that is not likely to allow the two owners of them to
share a professional visit easily.
Certified pilots read FAR 103 as far as the part that says that a “vehicle need
not have any airworthiness certification, registration or markings” and those
flying them need not meet any “aeronautical knowledge, age, or experience
requirements”. After that, they have to do some gagging, some real serious hee
haw style laughing, or they have to do a reality check and look it up to make
sure this is a real regulation from the Federal Government.
Ultralight pilots wonder how you could spend months and years and thousands to
learn to fly, when just a few evenings and a few hundred dollarscan get you in
the air low and slow. FAR Part 61 and 91 just don’t apply. Your rules are on a
single page, printed on both sides, and they are simple enough to allow you to
have fun.
If you have read this far, you probably are now seeing the gap that needs
bridged. Although many of the present ultralight people will shun any more
regulation and simply stay in ultralights, many thousands of these ultralight
pilots will soon be joining the certified ranks, and their machines will be
certified, too. They will be flying in and out of our airports even though they
may still go home to roost in a barn on some farm. Some of the folks who used
to have serious doubts about ultralight vehicles will now see them as certified
and therefore open to consideration. What both groups need is a bridge to help
them reach out to each other. Once they make contact, the sharing will begin
and the understanding will increase and the communication will happen and both
sides will be drawn toward the other. Whether we meet totally in the middle or
not remains to be seen. What will happen is less snobbery on both sides and
increased learning on both sides and less of a gap between the two sides.
If you now see the gap and the need to bridge it, you may be asking how to build
the bridge. After all, we are flyers-- not builders. The first requirement to
be met in order for the bridge to be built is to recognize the need for it and
decide that you want to be part of the building crew. Now, take the first
step—read something about the “other side”. Get a magazine that tells about the
other side and read it (privately if you must). If you are strictly GA, look
for a magazine that contains something about ultralights—there will probably be
some in the Pilot’s lounge, or you may have to go to a news stand. Look at the
web sites of some of the authors and find out what makes them tick. If you are
an ultralighter, try Plane and Pilot or Flying magazine. Read it,
even if you don’t let your friends see you doing it. Now call on some reserve
courage and contact someone on the “other side” just to establish contact and
get some visiting done. Ask him/her to come out to the flight line and look at
your unit. Offer to take him/her flying some calm evening so you both can
experience the thrill together. Go ahead, discuss costs, speeds, altitudes,
number of flight hours, greatest thrills, etc. Look for the opportunity to
reciprocate. Tell your new friend to tell others about what they learned and
saw. Invite them all to your next club meeting or pilot’s group. Share photos
and stories. After all, we all do have one very big thing in common—we do not
want to be bound tightly to this earth. We want the freedom to explore the
skies. To break the bonds that chain so many millions to the ground! Yes, we
have a lot in common. Let’s make the most of that one thing and get to know
each other. Let’s share the skies with fun and safety and professionalism.
Invite speakers from the “other side” to your pilot meetings and learn
together. Let’s build a bridge!!
April 2004
Ralph McClurg
Printed in April
UltraFlight Magazine
Flying Legally
As we visit with people around the country about powered
parachutes, it soon becomes obvious that there are a lot of units flying
illegally – some intentionally and some without knowing the requirements. Many
folks who fly regularly and try to follow the rules just don’t understand the
things needed to make flying a 2-seat powered parachute legal.
Before we go into the legal requirements for a 2-seat unit though, let’s make
sure we know the requirements for a legal single-seat unit: 5 gallons of fuel
or less, a single seat, and empty weight less than 254 pounds. The maximum
speed and stall speed of an ultralight vehicle are irrelevant for a powered
parachute. Note that many single-seat vehicles do not meet the 5 gallon rule,
and many have had options added that make their empty weight exceed the limit.
To be legally flown, a 2-seat powered parachute must be:
1. Registered
with an authorized exempting agency (ASC, EAA, USUA). The registration number
assigned must be displayed on the vehicle in characters at least 1 ½” tall. The
registration certificate must be in the vehicle or readily accessible*.
2. Inspected for condition by the owner or a BFI within the previous 100 hours
or 12 months, whichever comes first. The report of this inspection must be
available at the hangar or base of operations – it need not be in the vehicle.
3. The unit
must be flown by someone authorized by an exempting agency. This may be a BFI,
UFI, AFI, UFIE flying alone under one of the exemption conditions (to/from a
training site to meet a student, maintenance checkout for new vehicle or other
maintenance, proficiency of the pilot, currency of the pilot). or
4. The unit
must be flown by a student under the direct supervision of a BFI, AFI, UFI, UFIE)
for training purposes, or
5. The unit may
be flown by a student under a written endorsement from a BFI, AFI, UFI, UFIE.
The endorsement must specifically state the weather conditions under which
flights may be made and the location and distance limits of the flight, and it
should specifically prohibit carrying anyone else except an instructor. The
endorsement should also state what the student is to do if questions arise about
the flight, and an endorsement shall not be valid for more than 90 days
from issuance, unless renewed by an authorized instructor. Instructors should
not endorse students they are not familiar with and with whom they have not
flown (or at least watched fly).
6. A copy of an
instructor’s exemption is required to be in the vehicle or readily accessible*
for all flights. All conditions of the exemption must be followed during the
flight (no more than 2 seats, no more than 10 gallons of fuel, no more than 496
Summary of requirements:
These documents must be readily accessible: vehicle registration certificate, a
copy of instructor’s exemption, and if a solo student in training with no
instructor present, a written endorsement from an instructor. The vehicle must
have the registration identification assigned displayed on it. The flight must
have a training purpose, and solo flights by instructors must meet one of the 4
criteria listed above. The vehicle condition inspection report must be current
but it can be located at the vehicle base of operations and does not have to be
with the vehicle.
*Readily accessible means that the document is with the vehicle or can be
produced within a few minutes without driving (in the owner’s automobile or the
airport office). I recommend keeping a copy of all of the needed documents in
the vehicle somewhere. An inspector is more likely to be favorably impressed if
you know what documents are needed and produce them readily upon request.
“Any incident, accident, or mechanical malfunction of the airframe, drive train,
or engine that involves training” must be reported to the exempting agency.
Note that this is a BFI requirement to report the accidents of all
students. The student is not required to report it – the BFI is. Everyone
flying should be a student or a BFI, so all accidents should be reported.
Here is an excerpt from FAA Advisory Circular 103-7: “If your ultralight does
not meet Sec. 103.1 (less than 254 pounds or 5 gallon capacity single-seat, 496
pounds or 10 gallons capacity for a 2-seat trainer), it must be operated in
accordance with applicable aircraft regulations. You will be subject to
enforcement action ($1000 civil penalty for each violation) for each operation
of that aircraft.”
Let’s know and follow the rules, and let’s tell those who are not flying legally
that they are a threat to the freedoms that we have under these rules and we
want them to get legal.
March 2004
Jim Sweeney
Printed in March
UltraFlight Magazine
Safety Seminars
As this issue of UPDATE
hits the street, it should be mid February, but it’s not too late. The arrival
of winter has slowed the flying up north, but it’s still not too late. Even if
winter is mild where you are, it’s not too late. You still have time to attend
an Ultralight Safety Seminar.
The seminars have been offered for a number of years and even broadcast live via
the internet. Not every state offers a Safety Seminar, but where they are
offered, they are of great value. Topics vary from year to year and the content
may prevent an accident. Topics such as weather, preflight, annual inspections,
regulations, airspace, aerodynamics, safe operating procedures, engines,
canopies, navigation, GPS operation and radio procedure are some of the topics
that have been presented in the past. This year new topics may be added or the
basics may be refreshed. In any case, the content is sure to be of value.
The objective of the seminars is to get pilots thinking about safety and topics
that may not have been reviewed during the past year. Even if you are current on
the topics, it’s an opportunity to hear the subject from a different perspective
and possibly in more detail. It’s an opportunity to ask questions of
knowledgeable speakers and get good solid answers. It’s an opportunity to
discuss ideas eye to eye, a change from the chat room.
Below is a list of Safety Seminar dates and locations. These are some of the
best known and longest running Ultralight Safety Seminars. The list does not
contain every seminar, but it is a starting point. If a seminar is not scheduled
in your area, ask around, check with your local club, instructor, dealer or
FSDO. There may be a Safety Seminar or WINGS Program* in your local area.
What to do if there is not a seminar or program close to you? How about
organizing a program? It doesn’t have to be as large as the seminars listed. It
may just be the club or a group of fellow pilots. It may be only one or two
topics presented by a local instructor. It will be an opportunity for fellow
pilots to ask questions, discuss topics of interest and think safety. Airspace,
NOTAMs and Temporary Flight Restrictions are always topics of interest.
Sponsor a meeting – they will come. If you know a place to hold the meeting,
the presentation material and speakers are available. The speakers may be a
local instructor, a representative from the industry (dealer, manufacturer or
distributor) or from one of the organizations (ASC, EAA, USUA or FAA). The
presentation material can be from training manuals, material from one of the
organizations or information from the internet. Someone in your group may
volunteer to speak on a topic.
If the flying has slowed in your area you can still think flying and about
safety. If the flying is going strong even though it’s winter, all the more
reason to think safety. Attend or hold a Safety Seminar. Your safety could
depend on it.
* For information on the FAA WINGS Program go to
Listing of Safety Seminars go to
Safety Seminars
February 2004
Jim Sweeney
Printed in February
UltraFlight Magazine
NAPPF Update
Last month the topic of the
NAPPF Update was the future of NAPPF after Sport Pilot. All ultralight
organizations are pondering their future and how best to serve their membership
as the new regulation draws closer. This month the topic is a little more basic
and at hand. What is NAPPF today?
NAPPF is an independent ultralight organization with the goals of safety,
education, training & representation. NAPPF has a focus on PPC pilots and the
PPC industry.
NAPPF does not have a Training Exemption and recommends that NAPPF members
utilize one of the existing Training Exemptions. We do not expect that the FAA
will issue any new Training Exemptions with Sport Pilot expected within the next
year. The existing Training Exemptions are expected to be phased out during the
Sport Pilot transition period.
NAPPF has hosted a number of safety & training seminars at air shows and at
local Fly Ins.
The NAPPF Seminars Series in 2004 will be expanded to include more locations.
Topics will focus on Safety & Training but will also be expanded to include
Sport Pilot transition issues.
NAPPF has represented the PPC community on ASTM committees and at FAA Sport
Pilot meetings. The requirements for the safe operation of powered parachutes
are different than other ultralights and representing those differences in
advisory committees has been the NAPPF goal and will continue to be.
NAPPF is a regular on the UltraFlight Radio Internet Radio Program, covering a
number of topics of value to PPC pilots. Archives of the radio programs can be
found at
ultraflightradio.com. Information on NAPPF and topics of interest to the
powered parachute pilots can be found on the NAPPF website
www.nappf.com. Back issues of the NAPPF Update and other news items are
posted on the website.
Elections for NAPPF Regional Directors will be held in the spring. If you are
interested in participating on the NAPPF Board, please send an e-mail to
info@nappf.com. A list of the current Regional directors can be found on the
NAPPF website.
Membership in NAPPF is $35/yr and includes a 12 month subscription to
UltraFlight Magazine. If you already subscribe to UltraFlight Magazine, 12
months will be added to your current subscription.
NAPPF is a pilot’s organization representing pilots. Your comments and
suggestions make it stronger.
January 04
Frederick Scheffel
Printed in April
UltraFlight Magazine
So you want to have a PPC fly-in!
Why? ‘Cause fly-in’s are fun – a lot of fun!
Your timing is good. Now is the time of the year to consider the PPC flying
season schedule for next year. Now is the time to decide to have or not have
your fly-in. But a few things really need to be considered…
- Your fly-in Objective…
Do you want to make $$$ (Money) – [OK, you are kidding right! You
really are not serious about actually trying to produce an income at your event
– right? Ok, I thought you were just kidding!]
You just want to share the skies with a bunch of your friends (and
to meet new friends) [Note: This may be the most popular. And it is
definitely the easiest & the fastest to produce!]
To help the PPC community by promoting Safety & Educational
seminars among the PPC pilots. [Note: This is of course the most “noble” of
objectives – but it will come at a higher cost of time and expenses!]
- Your Cost…
[Note: When you consider cost – do not forget the cost of your time. And if
your time is taken from normal income producing “time” (i.e., you are not
retired) – that is usually the most costly entity of the event!]
- Expenses
Leasing a field
“T”-shirts (and don’t forget the designing of the graphics)
Food – are you going to feed the pilots, or are they “on-their-own”?
Competition items
Awards (trophies or plaques)
Nets, balloons, targets, ‘bombs’, etc.
Advertising – getting the “word” out to pilots and the public
Safety fence
- Income
Pilot Registrations
Introductory Flights for the public
Organizations – it never hurts to ask for financial help
Vendor booths
Food booths
Raffles (Note: These may not legal in some areas)
50-50 cash drawings (Note: These may not legal in some areas)
Donated cash (by spectators and wealthy pilots)
Auction donated items
[Note: if some items are donated, how are you going to return the favor to
the Donation Sponsors – as “Thanks” - as a bear minimum they deserve advertising
at your event]
- Your Dates – you do not want to interfere with another
large PPC event that most of your pilots will want to attend, and therefore
put the pilots into a dilemma ‘spin’.
- Your Responsibilities
- Safety – by far, and without a doubt – your #1 concern
For the Pilots – Pilot Briefings should be mandatory! Daily!
For the PPC’s - security
And safety for the (mostly naïve) Public!
- First Aid - Who will be available, and how do you
contact them?
- Lost Pilots
- Legal
Are you going to let ‘FAT’ ultralights fly?
Are you going to let un-registered two-seat PPC’s fly?
Are you going to let non-current BFI’s take humans in the 2nd
Are you going to let ‘low-hour’ or “questionable” BFI’s take the public?
Forms and Waivers
- Insurance?
Are you going to protect the land owners?
The public?
- Conveniences
Do you want to make gasoline available?
- Options
- Competitions – will they be for fun or
- Group Cross-country flights
- Entertainment – Do you want the pilots to have
something to do, when they cannot fly?
- Inviting the Public – but know, if they see you – they
will come (whether you want them, or not)
- Intro flights
- Food – how are these human pilots going to eat?
Local restaurants
Via your hospitality (bar-b-ques each night, sandwich lunches, muffin
Food vendors
- Camping – do you have room for tents? For RV’s? Are
campfires OK?
- Educational seminars
- BFI Refresher course
Yep, a Powered Parachute fly-in is indeed – without a doubt
– great fun. They can be a great opportunity for you to help our sport by
increasing the knowledge and safety of the PPC pilots via educational seminars.
They increase the camaraderie among your fellow pilots. And it is just
enjoyable to share the skies with other PPC’s.
Just know your event objective before you begin your activities, and keep SAFETY
the number ONE priority.
[Note to fly-in attending pilots: Now that you are more educated as to what is
needed to create them – I hope you will be more willing to lend a hand when you
get there!]
OK, now you have a choice. You can go for the whole “nine-yards” and consider
the necessary details of each of the above items that are involved in PPC
event. Or just start with small, simple gatherings. You do not need to be
overwhelmed by the work that is needed to have an event. Sometimes, if you
think about it too much – you won’t do it. And they are great fun! Just keep
it safe! Just start with a few guys (and gals) that want to get together and
fly. And then, let the event evolve. That is how the Albuquerque Hot Air
balloon festival got started…
January 2004
Jim Sweeney
Printed in January
UltraFlight Magazine
NAPPF Update
NAPPF after Sport Pilot
As this issue of the NAPPF
Update hits the streets, Sport Pilot should be very close or already announced.
No doubt, many are asking what will become of the ultralight organizations in
light of the new rule. The Training Exemption will be on the way out and pilots
will have to decide how they want to fly after the transition period. Will it
be according to the new Sport Pilot / Light Sport Aircraft rules or according to
Part 103?
Remember, Part 103 does not go away and may be the choice for many pilots. If
you choose Part 103, make sure that you are fully compliant with it.
Back to the future. What will the ultralight organizations do in the future?
The most immediate answer to the question is to help their members make the move
to Sport Pilot or help their members become compliant with Part 103. That is
exactly the goal of NAPPF during the transition period.
As the new rule is published, there will be many questions. What if? How does
this affect me? What do I do next? NAPPF will help answer all of our member’s
questions as we inform and educate. Our objective is to get the information to
our members quickly and accurately. NAPPF may work internally or with other
ultralight organizations, but the objective is the same – answers & education.
The transition period will have a very specific duration during which pilots
will decide whether it’s Part 103 or Sport Pilot.
After the transition period the goals of NAPPF will remain the same. NAPPF will
continue its mission of education and representation. Education through
seminars, publications, the website (nappf.com) and personal interaction.
Representation in groups setting standards for the Sport Pilot industry. Our
objectives go beyond Sport Pilot. Our goals include both Private Pilot &
Commercial Pilot ratings for powered parachutes. There are privileges that go
with these higher ratings that our members are already asking for.
Now back to the present. NAPPF has been on a membership dues moratorium for the
past year. Members of record as of fall ‘02, continued to be members, without
any additional dues. This allowed membership dues paid to our old partner to run
their course without affecting NAPPF members. As a result, all members who paid
dues to the old organization continued to be a member of NAPPF.
In November the moratorium ended, by vote of the NAPPF Board, and annual dues
were reinstated. Annual dues were set at $35.
There are benefits with NAPPF membership. In addition to education &
representation, another important benefit is UltraFlight Magazine. Included in
NAPPF annual dues is a 12 month subscription to UltraFlight Magazine. Already a
subscriber to UltraFlight Magazine? Your current subscription will be continued
an additional 12 months with payment of your NAPPF annual membership dues.
Dues can be paid using PayPal on the website (nappf.com) or by sending a check
for $35 to:
Box 399
Billings MT 59103
Other programs such as insurance are being worked on. As they become available,
you will see them first on the website nappf.com.
The future of NAPPF is Education & Representation on behalf of the Powered
Parachute community.
December 2003 Scott Hughes
Printed in December
UltraFlight Magazine
The PPC Pilots’ Organization
Last week the board was discussing what this
month’s NAPPF update should be about. We have so many exciting happenings coming
down the pike over the next six months.
One is the upcoming elections of certain regional directors and at-large
positions. I would encourage anyone who wants to run for office to do so. I know
I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of making this organization into a
top-notch pilots’ organization. Jim Sweeney (President) will address the
particulars of the election in a later update. Also you can find further updates
on the NAPPF web site
Another important item is how one can join NAPPF. For $35 you get NAPPF
membership for one year plus a one-year subscription to UltraFlight Magazine
where our updates are published. Now that’s a bargain.
That being said, there have been a couple concerns that have surfaced in my
region. We have had quite a few engine-outs lately. Most have been gas related.
The good news first. It was not because of lack of gas in the tank. The bad news
is that it is related to gas contamination and carburetor icing.
It has always amazed me that a carburetor can actually freeze in flight. I have
had carb-ice three times in a PPC. All three times it has resulted in a quick
reduction of power until the engine quit. Ideal conditions for this are high
humidity and a temperature between 32 and 72 Fahrenheit. Just don’t be fooled
into thinking it couldn’t happen outside that box. Carb heaters can be purchased
at a reasonable cost.
Fuel contamination, on the other hand, is something that can largely be avoided
through the use of a Mr. Funnel or similar filtering device. Mr. Funnel will
stop water and other debris from contaminating your gas. Just a reminder – DON’T
pour the excess gas back into the gas can or your tank. On several different
planes that experienced an engine out or were experiencing problems
starting/running properly, we pulled all kinds of grass, dirt and water out of
the float bowls. It wasn’t pretty.
After cleaning your bowls, be sure to take off the jet assembly and clean it,
too. It’s amazing how stopped up the jets can get. While your there, you might
as well go ahead and raise or lower the needle to achieve the ideal temperature
setting. I shoot for EGT’s of 1100 to 1150 on my Rotax 503’s and 582’s. Hirth
likes a much higher temperature. (See your Hirth dealer.) This seems to give me
a very efficient burn. This whole process can be done in under an hour.
Philip Comparetto wrote a piece for our BARF newsletter that I thought would be
good to include in this update. Here goes.
Bay Area Recreational Flyers (BARF) newsletter
It has come to our attention that some of our members have had several
engine-outs. It could be due to a hasty pre-flight, or maybe, it is due to
improper pre-flight? We are all guilty of this, at one time or another. But
there could be another problem – dirty gas.
With today’s blended gas, you don’t know what you are getting. Some gasolines
use alcohol, and this carries water to the engine. When this combination mixes
with the oil, it forms a sludge.
Here’s a simple test to check for this. Take an empty olive jar (post martini,
washed and dried) and fill it one-third full with water, marking the level. Then
fill to the top with gas. Shake (not stir) and let it settle. Again, check the
marked level. If the water is above the line, you have water in your gas, and
you have potential problems. Be sure to use your Mr. Funnel, or a chamois.
Blue skies and happy flying,
Philip Comparetto
A few other related notes.
When you go to the gas station, you will help yourself even more if you don’t
get gas from a station that just got a load of fuel or has pumps that are
running slow. As part of your pre-flight, be sure to check your fuel filter.
Over the years, I have seen a lot of people come out of the sky due to something
as simple as a dirty fuel filter. I hope this information is helpful and will
prevent some unplanned engine-outs.
Scott Hughes
PS It was great to see Irene up and at’em at the Extravaganza. Good luck on your
November 2003 Jim Sweeney
Printed in November
UltraFlight Magazine
Déjà Vu, All Over Again
The hot topic at Air Venture 2001 was Sport Pilot and
Light Sport Aircraft. Norman Mineta and Jane Garvey both expressed their
disappointment that they could not announce the Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM)
but did reconfirmed their commitment to Sport Pilot and the new rules.
The hot topic, this time, at Air Venture 2003 was Sport Pilot and Light
Sport Aircraft. Marion Blakey expressed her disappointment that Sport Pilot was
not here yet, but did announce that the FAA had finished its work on the rule
and had sent it to the Office of the Secretary of Transportation (OST/DOT) for
their review and comments.
After OST/DOT the rule moves to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for
their review and comments. Then it’s back to the FAA for final cleanup and
publication in the Federal Register. Best guess is that Sport Pilot will become
law in January 2004, with portions of it phased in over a period (six months) of
time. The Medical Requirements (Drivers License) could be the first portion
phased in.
The question now is the same as it was back in 2001 – what is the active
ultralight pilot to do between now and the proposal becoming law and during the
proposed phase-in (transition) period? I believe that the answer is still the
same as it was in 2001 – do what you have been doing that is safe and works.
For pilots, Part 103 is still in effect and will continue after Sport Pilot and
Light Sport Aircraft have become law. Many pilots will continue to fly under
Part 103 rather than move on to Sport Pilot. Review Part 103 and check your
compliance. Remember, you must comply with ALL sections of Part 103 to be legal
under Part 103.
Instructors should review the Training Exemption they instruct under. ASC, EAA
and USUA, in their receptive Training Exemptions, have very well defined
expectations of their instructors and students. Are you and your students
compliant? The Training Exemptions promote safety and have been good for
students, instructors and the industry.
If you pass your own review of Part 103 and the Training Exemption, then
continue to do what you are doing safely. Students should continue to train to
be pilots. Pilots, with plans to become instructors, should continue that goal.
Instructors should continue to work toward AFI status. It’s best to have as much
of this as possible accomplished prior to the effective date of the regulation.
Keep your log book up to date. Time in your logbook will count toward the
requirements of Sport Pilot.
As the days get shorter and there are more dark hours, remember that ultralights
don’t fly at night. Spend some time reviewing the ground school topics and
looking into Part 91. There will be a knowledge test as part of the Sport Pilot
requirements. It may surprise some, but a large portion of Part 103 and the
Training Exemptions are taken directly from Part 91 and from good practices
developed over the years in other aviation areas. Part 91 can be found in the
FAR/AIM publications available at aviation stores (internet) and pilot shops.
There is no doubt that some paragraphs will change with Sport Pilot, but it does
not hurt to have the background.
So, what to do? Continue to do what is safe. Continue to fly by Part 103, and
instruct by the Training Exemption.
October 2003 Sol Lovas
Printed in October
UltraFlight Magazine
Women and Powered
The question has occasionally been asked: Why
aren’t more women involved in flying powered parachutes?
I don’t know why. Because from personal experience, I can confirm
that powered parachuting is a wonderful sport for women!
It was my husband Art’s idea for us to try powered
parachuting, but as soon as I left the ground, I fell in love with the sport.
The first time I was in the air in a powered parachute was for my solo flight,
since the dealer we learned from only had a single-seat unit. I conquered my
butterflies, sat down in the airframe, and powered up. As I lifted off, I
looked around and down at the receding ground, picked up the radio mike, and
said, “I like this!” And I have been flying ever since.
We were so hooked by our solos that we became powered
parachute dealers in order to introduce others to this great sport. In 1996, I
was certified as the first female Advanced Flight Instructor for powered
parachutes in this country.
This is a terrific sport for women. The machines are
relatively lightweight and easy to maneuver out of the hangars and around the
field. Flight itself is fantastic. The feeling of freedom and the sway of the
breezes, as you float slowly over the countryside, just can’t be adequately
described to anyone who hasn’t tried it. I have been very well accepted by the
male pilots, and we all enjoy hangar flying about our various experiences.
There are only two areas, both due to lack of muscle
strength, where I have had any difficulty in this sport. The first was
pull-starting those Rotax motors. It took me a while to learn the proper
technique necessary to compensate for my lesser strength. But the real answer
was an electric starter.
The second problem area was loading and unloading the PPC
from the trailer. Many trailers sit too high for me to push a PPC onto the
trailer by myself (and forget the back of a pickup). However, we found a
trailer which has a torsion-bar suspension (so the bed is very close to the
ground) and a full-width loading ramp. Now I can load and unload our PPCs all
by myself.
With only these two minor accommodations to aid my lesser
strength, I am able to fully participate in this sport completely independently.
And my husband Art? He flies, but not nearly as often as I
do. We both love the sport and the people we have met through it. I do the
introductory flights and all of the instructing, and Art deals with the
technical and mechanical ends of the business. Some customers are surprised
when they first learn that I will be the pilot for their introductory flight,
and that I will be training them and supervising their solos. Art’s simple
statement that “she’s a better pilot than I am” solves that one quickly.
Competence means much, so much more than gender.
I would love to see more women get involved as pilots in this
sport. It doesn’t require a lot of strength or mechanical ability. If you can
drive a car, you can certainly fly a powered parachute. In fact, flying the PPC
is a lot simpler, and way more fun.
I highly recommend it to all women!
September 2003 Ray Pickens
Printed in September
UltraFlight Magazine
Com Fly with Me
For some of us, “Come fly with
me” brings back the words of “old blue eyes.” At a fly-in, it may be just the
invitation you’ve been dreaming about – a chance to fly in an ultralight!
I’ve attended several fly-ins at which I have observed
prospective “student pilots” standing in line to take their “introductory
flight.” When it’s their turn to board, they blissfully race across the flight
field and enter the wispy little craft, expecting (and in most cases receiving)
the thrill of their lives. The pilot starts the engine and off they go.
Once pilot and student have left the ground, how many student
pilots have other thoughts? “Should I really be doing this? I don’t even know
anything about this flying contraption. The pilot mentioned something about
himself and his ultralight not being FAA approved and, and…
“Wow! Things on the ground are getting smaller. It’s fun, but I’m starting to
feel a little nervous. I wish I were back on the ground. I don’t even know if
this guy is a good pilot! What if….?”
Of course, almost always the introductory flight ends
happily, with big smiles all around. But is there a way to lessen those
in-flight doubts? And, is there some rudimentary information prospective
student pilots should know before flying the first time?
TAKE two: Action!
Let’s run this film backwards to the scene at the waiting
line. This time you’re there, waiting for your introductory
flight in an ultralight. Here are some questions you may have thought about and
should ask yourself or your pilot before crossing that flight line.
Am I ready to take a flight in an ultralight today? How do I
react to heights?
If you are unusually
insecure about your personal safety, have an unreasonable
fear of heights, or have any unusual medical
problems you should advise your pilot first before boarding the craft. Trouble
on the ground doesn’t get any better in the air. If you’re not well or you’re
feeling pressured by your friends, stay on the ground. There will always be
another time to fly.
Am I properly dressed? (Are these flip flops I’m
wearing appropriate?)
My suggestions for ultralight flight clothing in mild
weather: long sleeved shirt, long pants, and sturdy shoes that will not fall off
your feet (hiking boots are excellent). In addition, I recommend eye protection
(sunglasses). Leave behind anything that may fall out or blow off (pens, pins,
scarves, etc.) because they could be inhaled by the propeller. Broken props in
flight will usually give your pilot heartburn and may increase the cost of your
introductory flight.
Shutterbugs take
note: Avoid strapping an SLR camera
or any solid object around your body. These seemingly harmless objects have
been known to cause severe injury if they get between you and your pilot or
between you and Mother Earth should an unusually hard landing occur. It is best
to handhold these items. Be prepared to willingly jettison these potentially
rib-popping objects in an emergency landing. Broken ribs are reported to be
very painful.
I have been told that ultralights and ultralight
pilots are not certified by the FAA. What does that mean? Is there a way to
determine the depth of a pilot’s experience? Is there any type of certification
that he/she must possess?
In order to comply with
specific ultralight regulations set forth by the FAA, your pilot is required to
inform you that “this flight is conducted under an exemption granted by
the FAA and that the FAA does not establish certification standards for powered
ultralight vehicles, pilots or instructors.”
In short, this means that the pilot and his/her ultralight
vehicle do not have to be certified by the FAA. However, the FAA has entrusted
the strict governance of ultralight operations to three ultralight
organizations: Aero Sports Connection (ASC), the Experimental Aircraft
Association (EAA), and the United States Ultralight Association (USUA).
These three exemption holders grant specific designations and rights to
ultralight pilots based upon their hours of flight experience and their
performance on written and practical examinations.
Any ultralight pilot taking up prospective student pilots for
“introductory flights” (the flight you’re standing in line for) MUST at least
have a Basic Flight Instructor (BFI) or an Ultralight Flight Instructor (UFI)
rating. This rating is a minimum requirement for a pilot instructor to legally
operate a “two-place ultralight training vehicle.” I suggest you make certain
your pilot has this rating before you cross any flight line for an introductory
Although many ultralight pilots are also FAA certified General Aviation pilots,
they are still required to have an ultralight rating (minimum: BFI or UFI) or an
endorsement from EAA, USUA or ASC before they can legally fly a 2-place
ultralight vehicle.
I’ve noticed that the wind is picking up and dark
clouds are beginning to gather. Does weather make a difference?
Weather conditions are
extremely important when operating an ultralight vehicle. If the weather seems
adverse to you, stay on the ground! Powered parachutes, more so than fixed wing
ultralights, are designed for mild weather conditions. Mild means the wind
speed is between 0 and 10 mph with no cumulonimbus clouds (billowing
thunderstorm clouds) on the horizon. A good pilot will not fly in questionable
weather conditions.
Rule of Thumb: When nine pilots refuse to fly and #10 offers
to take you up, complain about a sudden headache and start walking towards your
I notice some people are wearing helmets and some are
not. Does this matter?
For your own protection, I
strongly recommend that you wear a helmet. Also, since it is important to
verbally communicate with your pilot in flight, make certain the on-board
intercom system is in proper working order before you leave the ground. A
quivering, sweaty finger pointing to the ground may not get your pilot’s
Although this appears to be a relatively safe sport, I
have heard there are risks, serious ones. Am I prepared to accept these risks?
This is a question only you
can answer. How well do you know this pilot and his piloting skills? Do not be
afraid to ask how long he/she has been flying. In fact, ask to see your pilot’s
Two-Place Training Exemption paperwork. No paperwork? Use ye old
headache routine.
If you don’t understand your pilot’s explanation of emergency
procedures before you take off, I strongly recommend that you ask him/her to
reiterate. If you’re not satisfied with the response, do not board the
ultralight. Yes, it’s headache time again.
Special Note:
Since most ultralight pilots do not carry
liability insurance for personal injury, it is important to consider the medical
expenses you may incur should you be involved in an ultralight accident of
Now, let’s shift the focus to the ultralight pilot patiently
waiting with the student on the runway.
As the Pilot in Command (PIC), there are a few questions you
should ask yourself before taking that student pilot into the air. Honestly
answering these few questions may help get your prop turning or, suddenly help
you develop your own headache.
Do I have the proper qualifications to conduct an
“introductory flight?”
Is my exemption paperwork ( with either ASC, EAA, or
USUA) current?
Have I performed a thorough preflight on my vehicle
and on myself?
Is the length of my runway adequate for my student pilot’s
additional weight? And, is this combined weight compatible with safe
Do I have a specific plan for an emergency situation? Have I
adequately conveyed basic emergency procedures to my student pilot?
Do I have proper helmets and communication equipment for my
student pilot?
Is the student pilot dressed properly and does he/she have
adequate eye protection?
Have I informed the student that this is not an FAA approved
craft and that I am not certified by the FAA to fly this ultralight vehicle?
If you, the pilot in
command, find yourself honestly answering these few questions in the
affirmative, then I think it’s time to say “Come fly with me.”
And you, the student pilot, if all or most of your
questions have been answered to your satisfaction, then prepare yourself for the
“thrill of your life!”
Ray Pickens BFI is an architect who has been
flying and training in powered parachutes for the past three and a half years.
He and his wife, Sue, currently live on a farm in central Virginia. He is a
Powrachute dealer and owner of Skytoys Virginia, Ltd.
August 2003 Ralph McClurg
Printed in August
UltraFlight Magazine
Guard the Mag Switches
season is here, and here are some really good safety tips for the time you’re at
a fly-in. Actually, we should do these things all the time, not just at
1) If you have electric start on your unit, have a
keyed switch for the starter and take the key out when you are not in the unit.
That can prevent someone (such as a kid) from engaging the starter
accidentally, when it should not be engaged.
2) When your unit is unattended, pull the plug wires
from the plugs so it will not start if someone should rotate the engine with the
electric starter, the recoil starter, or by turning the prop. (Note: you should
ALWAYS remove the plug wires when working on the prop!)
3) When warming up the engine, do something to
prevent the unit from leaving the scene unintentionally. Either restrain the
unit with a good set of chocks or a tie-down, or keep your hand near the mag
switches. Just in case, aim the unit away from the crowd, not toward it.
Regarding number three above, let me tell you a
single-carb 503 with a two-blade wooden prop on it can drag two full-grown men
across several feet of grass with both of them holding on and trying to stop
it. A fellow south of me bought a PPC several years ago and learned to fly it
by himself. It was an SR1, and he flew where and when he pleased. One day he
was on final approach to the local tavern when a gust of wind caused him to hook
a power line pole and tear the rig up quite a bit. Before he got it repaired,
he died of unrelated causes.
After a few years, two men (Cliff and Frank) bought
the busted-up PPC from the widow and brought me a load of parts and pieces.
They asked me to make it fly and then to teach them how to fly it. They called
this machine the Phoenix. Jerry Higgins spent many hours assembling the
Phoenix and correcting many faults it had from the wreck.
When it was ready to run, it was started. The
throttle stuck – wide open of course. I witnessed this machine drag Jerry and a
friend flailing and fussing right into the side of my hangar. The metal in a
hangar door was dented. As we discussed the incident, we all agreed that
someone should guard the mag switches, or we should restrain it physically – or
both! Now you know why number three is important.
P.S. – The Phoenix has crashed a few more times since
July 2003
Tony Irwin
Printed in July
UltraFlight Magazine
Meteorology for Powered Parachutes
of us are already well into the flying season. We have more people interested in
this recreational sport every day. A lot of great instructors are doing a great
job of educating students to do the right thing, and to develop a cautious
judgment about the intangibles: i.e. WEATHER!! It can reach out and touch you
when you least expect it! Gather data and plan, plan and plan. There are many
ways to prepare yourself about the atmosphere you are about to fly in.
The most common source of information is the
Flight Service Station in your area (1-800-WXBRIEF). I have noticed many people
are reluctant to call them and obtain the first source of weather information
for their area. They are a busy lot and sound busy when they answer the phone.
Right off the bat, tell them you do not have a tail number, give them your last
name, and ask for what you want.
“My last name is IRWIN. I do not have a tail
number. I will be flying a Powered Parachute as a student pilot below 1000’ just
south of New Braunfels. I would like to get the winds and any
adverse weather conditions for this area for the next four hours.”
Take notes on the information you need, and
report back any information they can use (Pilot Report or PIREP). They will be
very helpful, and you will get used to using their services.
The other resources are the local weather
channel, or computer weather reporting services. Start comparing data, and then
make a decision.
When I get to the field, I launch a weather
balloon. Get a party balloon package from Wal-Mart. It has balloons and helium.
It is the easiest way to check out the atmosphere at your field for the first
500 feet. From there you will perform a risk assessment and exercise judgment as
to whether or not you will fly. Remember takeoffs are optional; landing is
Here’s an easy guide for converting
Centigrade to Fahrenheit and visa versa:
The daily range of temperature, the range of
temperature between night and day varies considerably with season and location.
The daily variance is large near the surface of barren, high level places and
over sand, plowed fields and rocks. It often ranges from 17°C to 28°C.
The variance is much smaller over thick
vegetation and deep water surfaces, where it may be only about 1°C. Practically
no change of temperature occurs between night and day in the stagnant free air
at 4000 feet above the surface.
What does high pressure mean to you when you
are watching the weather channel and you see the isobars with a big “L” or a big
“H”? A “High” is a pressure system in which the barometric pressure increases
toward the center, and wind flow around the system is clockwise in the Northern
Hemisphere. Flying conditions are generally more favorable in highs than in lows
because of fewer clouds, light or calm winds, and less-concentrated turbulent
areas. But in some situations, visibility may be reduced due to early morning
fog, smog or haze.
Note: A “LOW” is a pressure system in which
the barometric pressure decreases toward the center and the wind flow around the
system is counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere. The term LOW and Cyclone
are interchangeable; whereas in referring to troughs, they are always referred
to as low-pressure troughs.
Any pressure system in the northern
hemisphere with a counterclockwise wind is a cyclone. Hurricanes, typhoons and
tropical storms are all low-pressure systems, with tornadoes and water spouts
often associated. Tornadoes and waterspouts are very intense low-pressure
systems, which are associated with severe thunderstorms. Unfavorable flying
conditions in the form of low clouds, restricted visibility by precipitation and
fog, strong gusty winds and turbulence are common in low-pressure systems.
COL. A “col” is a saddle region between two
Trough. A “trough” is an elongated area of low
pressure with the lowest pressure along the trough line. The weather in a trough
is frequently violent.
Ridge. A “ridge” is an elongated area of high
pressure with the highest pressure along the ridge line. The weather in a ridge
is generally favorable for flying.
Pressure Gradient. The rate of change in pressure in a
direction perpendicular to the isobars is called pressure gradient. A pressure
gradient exists in the horizontal (along the surface) as well as the vertical
plane in the atmosphere. The horizontal pressure gradient is steep or strong
when the isobars determining the pressure are close together. It is flat or weak
when the isobars are far apart. The stronger the pressure gradient the stronger
the winds.
Do you recognize this pilot?
“ACE: An odd sort of aviator. This character
has a repertoire of experiences that would put a Hollywood
script to shame. Ace, like the parrot, is a good talker, but not a good flyer.
His recollections of minute details of his many emergencies and associated
problems are only surpassed by his ability to drop names.
Ace has known, drunk beer with or flown with
every Star Pilot and will name them if you are willing to listen. He has had
engines fail, drop off, catch fire and blow up. He doesn’t mention that it was
his abusive operation that caused most of his problems. His stories get hotter
and more hair raising with each retelling. He has had many forced landings. One
gets the impression that he spent more time walking than flying.”
Thanks to Mike Novosel, Medal of Honor
Recipient United States
Army Aviator, Feb 1985 U.S. Army Aviation Digest. n




June 2003
Ralph McClurg
Printed in June
UltraFlight Magazine
The Wind – Is it “friend” or “foe?”
Rogers is quoted as saying, “Everybody talks about the weather,
but nobody does anything about it.”
parachute pilots talk a lot about wind. Every PPC pilot I know is a “windsock
watcher.” We frequently hear stories about someone driving along and seeing
flags hanging limp, smoke going straight up, and tree leaves calm yet (usually
in the same sentence) the person laments not being able to fly for some
occupational reason.
If you
think you only talk about the wind but can never do anything about it, please
read the rest of this article. Doing something about the wind can save your
life. That means not flying when the wind is not favorable or safe.
When we
discuss PPC flying, we want calm air, because we know that we can take off, fly
and land with more precise control. We also know that we will be more
comfortable in the air because the flight will be smoother. However, do we
really always want to have calm winds? Can’t the wind be your friend sometimes
instead of your foe?
let’s consider how the wind can be your friend. A favorable wind that is a
constant 10 miles per hour (or less for the non-beginner), and is forecast to
stay the same, or lessen, can be your friend. It can provide rapid canopy
inflation, shorter ground run on takeoff and landing, and can allow much greater
obstacle clearance during takeoff and landing. It provides higher climb rates
for a given amount of distance. It allows a slower rate of closure on landing,
so you have more time to flare.
A constant
wind allows you to do more sightseeing if you choose to travel into the wind for
a while. If it happens to be in the direction you intend to go, it makes the
trip much shorter. Take-off and landing charts for airplanes and helicopters
clearly show the advantage of wind with regard to obstacle clearance. Indeed,
the wind can be your friend, even in PPC flying.
The wind
can also be your foe. We need to recognize this very clearly. Limp flags and
vertical smoke may mean a safe PPC flight, or it could lead us into a disaster.
Many weather factors must be considered before flying. Current wind is one of
them, but forecast wind can never be disregarded and should always be checked.
Many years
I spent flying certified aircraft before joining the “chosen few” who really get
to experience what graceful, safe, almost-divine flight is – the flight that PPC
pilots experience.
Surprisingly, I sort of forgot some of the basic flight rules from my previous
life during the early flights in my PPC, and I almost paid a high price for
doing that. I loved the PPC so much that I thought about it all day at work and
hurried home in the evening to go fly. If the wind was calm (as indicated by
the flags, smoke, leaves, etc), I would do a preflight inspection, warm-up and
go flying for what few minutes remained before dark. This ritual did not
include a call for a weather brief—I no longer needed that with my new-found
On one of
those flights, I noticed the temperature dropping rapidly and headed for the
hangar. While I was bagging the chute, a huge gust hit and nearly jerked the
canopy out of the bag! What a disaster that would have been if I had stayed in
the air another two minutes! The temperature drop was indicative of frontal
movement, and the wind was typical of rapid frontal movement.
I was
lucky — and I was re-educated. That experience taught me again the necessity of
getting a weather briefing—even if you are only going to fly an ultralight in
the local area.
As I look
back over the years, there were many “adrenalin moments” in the air, and many of
them were caused by weather—in fact, too many. The wind has been a foe on
numerous occasions, resulting in rough landings, low fuel levels at destination,
stress from constant controlling, and other discomforts including nausea. It
also stood my Pegasus on end last summer while I was helping a student strap
A few
months ago, the wind at Whiteman Air Force Base in central Missouri went from 9
kph to 65 kph in less than two minutes. It turned an AH-64 Apache helicopter
over that was being towed by a ground vehicle. The forecast did not include
that kind of wind, although it did include thunderstorms and would have kept a
conscientious PPC pilot on the ground. With the light wing loading we
experience in PPCs, we simply must know what the winds are going to do
while we are in the air. The wind can be a foe.
always, always get a weather briefing before you fly. Here are some tips on
getting that briefing:
1-800-wx-brief –that is 1-800-992-7433. Follow the prompts to speak with a
briefer. Tell the briefer that you wish to fly an ultralight in the local area
for the next one to two hours and that you would like to know if there are any
hazardous conditions that could develop during that time. Ask what the maximum
winds will be, and if there are other factors that you should be aware of.
Don’t ask
for a synopsis—that is more information than you probably need or want and takes
up excess briefer time. Just ask for what you need. You may get a good weather
forecast from sites like www.intellicast.com also, but that will not inform you
of TFRs (Temporary Flight Restrictions) or NOTAMS (Notices to Airmen), so you
still need to call the briefer.
Briefers now are very courteous and helpful when an ultralight pilot calls for a
briefing. I can remember some years back when they would snicker as you told
them you were planning an ultralight flight. Then they would often ask again,
“And you don’t have an “N number?” Times have changed. Call for a briefing.
Fly safely – have fun.
McClurg holds FAA Commercial and Instrument ratings in helicopters and
airplanes. He has been flying since 1966. He is a Chief Warrant Officer, CW5,
Master Army Aviator in the Missouri Army National Guard, and is an Advanced
Flight Instructor, ppw. He can be contacted at mcclurg@sofnet.com or you can
visit his web-site at sportflightinc.com.
May 2003 Scott Hughes
Printed in May
UltraFlight Magazine
Learning from
others, don’t let history repeat itself!
I just returned from
the Powrachute Extravaganza Flyin and it was wonderful. Most of you probably
know someone that went or you yourself went. My hat’s off to Eddy, Dawn, Bill
and the gang. I don’t think anything other than a little less wind in the middle
of the day would have been needed. I went through 33 gallons of gas, so I must
have had fun.
There were plenty of things to do for everyone at the Powrachute Extravaganza.
The seminars were wonderful and very informative. The entertainment was great.
The only grumbling I heard from the pilots was that we couldn’t fly a little
later Friday and Saturday night.
One of the highlights for me was seeing all my old friends again but especially
my friend Freeman Tang and Jim Faye from China. They showered us with gifts and
we showered them with all kinds of gag gifts.
What I am writing about was the number of rollovers (20+). I watched 10 of them
myself. Most of them were uneventful. I would like to review a few factors I saw
that seemed to be consistent. Most of the pilots were in such a hurry to get
airborne that they didn’t build a “perfect wing” first.
Let’s review a few rules of PPC flying. This
really applies to those with low hours or those that don’t fly often.
Rule number one…take off into wind.
Rule number two… Take off into the wind.
After seeing four rollovers in a short period of time, I went over to those
pilots (to remain nameless) and asked them if I could steal a little of their
time. They all agreed. I began picking up grass and dropping it, trying to be
very discrete. As we watched a few more interesting takeoffs, they could see a
big difference just by where people lined up their carts, namely, into the wind
or not. It was agreed that into the wind would save a lot of trouble,
aggravation and offer less fighting of the chute. The grass trick worked and I
think the lesson was learned.
I would like to bring up several other factors for pilots to consider before
1) Take off into the wind.
2) Always have a go, no-go spot picked out. If you are not up and flying by that
point, shut it down.
3) Have a point picked out so you can clear objects ahead of you. It also is a
go, no go spot. For example, if I am not at 10 feet high by this point, I will
shut down and land.
4) We noticed a lot of pilots that would just hammer the throttle and hope for
the best. This is probably one area almost all pilots could constantly work on.
Each time you take off try to find that sweet spot that allows the chute to
smoothly pop up overhead and transition to flying status smoothly. As Eddie
Johnson says, “finesse the chute to flying status.” Every chute has its quirks
and attributes. Learn them and exploit the chute’s attributes and minimize the
quirks. I counted four or five Chirons. They would be the exception to the rule
concerning a heavy throttle on takeoff.
5) The part that scared me most part (I hate to say it) is that I watched at
least 30+ takeoffs where the pilot never did look back to check the chute or
check for pressure knots, line twist or proper canopy inflation. A friend of
mine, Fredrick Scheffel in Utah, uses the “LOC” saying. On their take-off roll,
before adding throttle and suffering from PMA, (Premature-Airborneness) use LOC.
L – Lines are clean and free
O – chute cells are all OPEN
C – chute is CENTERED
6) There were trees on the far end of the field that were causing mechanical
turbulence. You must be ready to correct immediately for any gust of wind you
may encounter. If you can avoid the mechanicals all together, it is even better.
I use the 1/3’s rule. The height of the obstacle times three is usually a safe
enough distance. There are other factors, such as wind velocity. But since we
fly in generally under 15 mph winds, the rule works pretty good.
7) Which leads us to my final point…
You never have to fly. If it doesn’t look right, it isn’t going to magically get
better. If it doesn’t feel right today, tomorrow probably will. We fly for fun
and our love of the sky. It isn’t any fun if your machine or you are hurt. So
let’s strive to be safe.
As a friendly reminder, NAPPF is sponsoring safety
seminars all over the country this year. Check their web site for more
information – www.NAPPF.com
April 2003 Jim Sweeney
Printed in April
UltraFlight Magazine
Welcome to the new home of the NAPPF
Update. Our thanks go to Jim & Irene Byers for providing the space in
UltraFlight Magazine for our membership update.
A lot has transpired in the past months, a number of items are in process and
the NAPPF has a very bright future. A few thoughts on each.
During the past year, the NAPPF Board has been very busy restructuring the NAPPF
to be a Pilots organization. To that end, NAPPF has contributed to industry
committees and the Board has voted on and implemented a number of motions:
 | The Bylaws were amended
to allow Directors to use proxy votes at Board meeting they are not able to
attend. This action has increased the participation of all Board members on
key issues. |
 | The Bylaws were amended
removing non-elected members from the Board of Directors. All Board members
are now directly responsible to the membership through the election process. |
 | The members of the
Executive Board (President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer) were
elected by the full Board. |
 | Elections were held for
twelve Regional & At Large Directors. This was the largest NAPPF election to
date with the largest number of candidates running in each region. |
 | NAPPF was a sponsor of
the World Powered Parachute Championship in Greenville, Illinois. |
 | NAPPF presented training
seminars covering ten topics at the World Powered Parachute Championship.
Members who attended eight hours of instruction were given credit for a BFI
Refresher. |
 | NAPPF was represented at
the ASTM Consensus Standard meetings. The PPC Consensus Standard will set the
minimum standards for PPCs manufactured as Light Sport Aircraft. |
 | NAPPF was represented in
meetings with the FAA for the development of Practical Test Standards (PTS)
for the PPC Light Sport Pilot (LSP). The PTS is the guideline that will be
used by Designated Pilot Examiners (DPE) in testing PPC pilots for a Light
Sport Pilot Certificate. |
With all the positive work,
there was a negative. In September, ASC notified NAPPF that ASC was canceling
the contract that defined the relationship between the two organizations. Sixty
days after the notice, ASC separated NAPPF as a wing of ASC.
NAPPF has always been an independent organization with an elected, volunteer
Board of Regional Directors and Executive Officers. NAPPF no longer has any
affiliation with ASC and is investigating an affiliation/association with other
aviation organizations interested in powered parachutes and powered parachute
Items that the NAPPF Board is currently working on include:
 | A new Training
Exemption. With the separation of NAPPF and ASC, the Board is looking into
other Training Exemptions that may be available to NAPPF members.
 | A new logo. NAPPF has
used the current logo since 1998. In 2001 Suzie Harmening, the creator of the
logo, filed a copyright on the logo. In August, 2002, she notified the NAPPF
board that the use of the logo was no longer authorized. The search is on for
a new logo. |
 | Membership Benefits. A
committee chaired by Scott Hughes is looking into benefits NAPPF can offer its
members. A number of suggestions have been received and the committee is
evaluating all of them. |
 | Sport Pilot. NAPPF
continues to be involved in the Light Sport Pilot/Light Sport Aircraft
committees. The objective is to represent the pilot members in these important
meetings. |
 | Organization. The Board
is working on creating the administrative infrastructure necessary to operate
on a day to day basis. A process for new memberships, renewals and other
house keeping functions is being set up. |
 | Membership. Until the
administrative structure is completed, NAPPF members of record as of September
2002 will continue to be NAPPF members. New members can join at any time.
Information on how to become a member of NAPPF can be found at the website,
www.nappf.com under Membership. |
 | Website. The NAPPF
website continues to be updated with information of interest to PPC pilots and
information on NAPPF workings. Check it out at
www.nappf.com. |
The future for the NAPPF as
an independent organization is exciting. Members tell the board that the most
important element is the pilot’s point of view. The mission of NAPPF is to
represent the pilot’s.
Beyond Sport Pilot, the powered parachute can operate in a number of areas
defined by the regulations. FAR Part 103 has a lot of life remaining it for
single seat PPCs. For heavier machines, the powered parachute will be in a
Category of its own. The Category status allows for the possibility of advanced
pilot privileges beyond Light Sport Pilot. Private Pilot PPC, allowing night
operations and Commercial Pilot PPC, allowing commercial operations are
possibilities. A strong pilot’s organization focused on the future of powered
parachute is what is required to start the process. NAPPF has a goal to be that
strong pilot organization.
August 2002
Jim Sweeney
Security in the aviation industry has been around since the
first airplane was flown by an unauthorized person. Originally, theft and the
occasional unauthorized joy ride were the problem. In the ’60, skyjacking was
added to the security list and now terrorism. The industry has dealt with
security issues in the past and now we need to update and adjust to the new
For the ultralight and general aviation communities, security issues may take a
number of different forms. There is real security and then there is perceived
security – public perception.
Let’s start with a few of the public’s misconceptions about aviation. Spending
a lot of time at air shows and speaking with people interested in getting
started in aviation, the following misconceptions keep surfacing. The public
thinks that all aircraft fly on flight plans, that all aircraft are in radio
contact with the “control tower”, that all flights are under radar surveillance
and that flying is a luxury to be enjoyed only be the rich. The next part is
the problem. The public feels that flight operations not on flight plans, not
in radio and radar contact are unsafe and represent a threat to their security.
The perception that flying is only for the rich does not help minimize the
misunderstanding. The tragedy on September, 11 has heightened the public’s
concern of uncontrolled aircraft. Politicians are taking advantage of the
public’s insecurity to pass legislation restricting the training of new pilots
and recurrent training of existing pilots. The legislation is in the name of
public security.
As pilots, we should be aware of the concerns of the non-aviation public and do
what we can to increase the level of aviation security and correct public
awareness. This may involve aircraft security, airport security and operation
security. The topic of legislation also factors in.
Aircraft Security
We can take direct charge in this area. Keep your aircraft secure. Keep it in a
locked hangar or trailer. Do not leave the key in the ignition. Secure the
trailer. These actions may seem simple, but they go a long way to assuring the
public that someone can not just walk up to your aircraft and fly it away.
Public perception is a security issue.
If you are training, know who is operating your aircraft. Authorize each flight
in your aircraft individually. Do not allow the operation of your aircraft
without specific permission just prior to the flight. Last year there were at
least two major accidents where the owner of the aircraft did not authorize the
student/pilot to fly the aircraft on the day of the accident.
Airport Security
If you are flying from an airport, limit access to the ramp, hangars and
runways. Keeps gates closed. Post signs limiting access by unauthorized persons.
Keep hangars locked. Small airport security is becoming as important to the
public as large airport security.
If you are trailoring an aircraft to a field or flying from your own field, keep
things locked while you are flying or away from the field.
Operation Security
Before flying, check NOTAMs (Notice to Airmen) at 1 800 BRIEF (Flight Service)
to see if there is any TFR (Temporary Flight Restriction) airspace in your area.
Be aware of the standing NOTAMs that prohibit flight over open air assembly of
people, circling nuclear and other industrial/chemical facilities and to be
familiar with the intercept procedure as described in the AIM (Aeronautical
Information Manual).
Fly responsibility. Extreme flying near populated areas may not be considered
safe or welcome by people on the ground.
Politicians in a number of states are introducing legislation that will have an
impact on all levels of aviation. Legislation requiring background checks for
student pilots is the most popular, but one state has expanded the background
checks for all training activity. The legislation includes introductory flight
lessons, flight training, training for advanced ratings, recurrence training,
BFR (Biannual Flight Reviews) and other training activities. This means that a
prospective student/customer can not take a lesson until after the background
check is completed. The background check takes months and is required before
the training begins. This type of broad reaching legislation does not benefit
the safety of the aviation community nor does it benefit real public security.
Remember, all ultralight operations under the Training Exemption are for
Take a moment and see if there is pending legislation in state. There are many
aviation organizations that are tracking aviation legislation and would
appreciate your support.
Some of these suggestions address real security issues while others may seem to
have little impact on a direct challenge to aviation security but address public
perception. Security is what we do to protect aviation and our privilege to
fly. Security is also what the public perceives it to be. We need to be part of
the security solution and not the security problem.
July 2002 Jim Sweeney
Involvement in the Industry
The summer is well along
and it is time for the NAPPF National Competition. Again this year, NAPPF is
holding the National Competition in conjunction with the World Powered Parachute
Championships at Greenville, IL. The best of the best will compete for bragging
rights as the world’s best PPC pilot. For NAPPF members this is an opportunity
to demonstrate your flying skills developed over time, practice and training.
Spectators love to see the powered parachutes flying and will attend
competitions to watch. Pilots know that the competition develops flying skills
and go to competitions to demonstrate their skills. Flying powered parachutes
and competitions go together very well.
Pilots however should not limit their involvement in the powered parachute
industry to competitions alone. There are opportunities and issues that are as
important as flying skills, but are located outside the cockpit.
Sport Pilot
The FAA is in the process of reviewing over 3,000 comments to the NPRM that were
received from pilots, manufacturers, industry organizations and other
interested parties. We as an industry can say that we did our part by
commenting as requested. How many of the comments and suggestion will be used to
clarify and improve the NPRM is an unknown. The anticipated date for NPRM to
become law is early 2003. Till the effective date of the regulations is
announced, we need to continue to fly under Part 103 as we have been doing.
Annual inspections and machine condition, flying as outlined in the Exemption,
BFI Refreshers, keeping a logbook and safety are all topics that we need to keep
focused on. Make sure that you are a member of one of the 3 ultralight
organizations and keep a logbook to have your flying time count toward the Sport
Pilot License.
Consensus Standards
In the May issue of NAPPF UPDATE, Roy Beisswenger, described the objective of
the Consensus Standards. ASTM has been chosen to guide the industry through the
creation of the Consensus Standards for Light Sport Aircraft and publish the
standards. In the future, manufacturers will be required to meet the published
standards as a minimum for their aircraft.
The ASTM process is available for all stakeholders to participate in and is not
limited to manufacturers. Every pilot, dealer, operator, manufacturer of
accessories and equipment, industry organizations and government is a
stakeholder in the process. All are invited to participate. The openness of the
process is what makes it work. You can obtain more details on how to sign up to
participate by contacting any one of the 3 ultralight organizations or ASTM
As pilots we are stakeholders in the ASTM process and have the opportunity to
participate and define the minimum standards for the future Light Sport
Aircraft. Just as importantly the manufacturers have the same opportunity to
participate. Is the manufacturer of your favorite aircraft participating? Are
they helping define the future of the aircraft that we will be flying in the
future? Why not call and ask them? The ASTM process needs the full involvement
of the industry for the process to work. The manufacturers need to get behind
the process for it to be a success. As pilots we need to be involved in the
process and encourage the manufacturers. Remember, the ASTM process is defining
what we will be flying in the future.
National Elections
The ballots for the National Election should be arriving at NAPPF for counting.
This election offered the largest number of candidates running in NAPPF
history. The results will be posted on the NAPPF website in mid August. Take a
look and see who you’re Regional and At Large Directors are. These are the
people to contact to have your voice heard. Your comments, suggestions and
topics that should be addressed are appreciated.
The content at
www.nappf.com has been expanded. Sport Pilot, Internet Board Meeting topics,
Board Member data, LINKS, Hints, Advisory Circulars, Regulations, NOTAMs and
NAPPF UPDATE are a few of the areas. Take a look, you may find something
interesting and of value. Comments and suggestions can be sent to
In closing this month, remember the importance of the Pre-Flight. On the cart,
make sure that everything is tight and secure. On the engine, check fluid
levels, fuel lines and wires. The canopy should be given special attention. Make
sure that it is in good condition, laid out properly and that all lines are free
and clear. Recheck the lines. If you have a pre-takeoff checklist, use it. If
you do not have one, you may want to create one for your aircraft.
June 2002 Jim Sweeney
National Elections
NAPPF has started the election process for
Regional and At Large Directors. During June and July, NAPPF members will
receive a ballot for the Region that they live in and biographies on all of the
candidates. Please look the ballot over and see who is running for election in
your Region. You can then read the biography for information on the background
and interests of the candidates running in your Region. In addition to the
Regional candidates, you can vote for up to four (4) of the At Large
candidates. Biographies are included for the At Large candidates.
Ballots may be returned in the enclosed envelope and must be postmarked by
8/1/02. Information on the election and biographies may also be found on the
NAPPF website at
NAPPF is transitioning to a pilot oriented organization. The direction of the
organization is to focus on pilot issues including; training, education; safety
and information. Comments, issues and suggestions should be sent to your
Regional Director or to
info@nappf.com. The open interaction of members with the Regional Directors
will help build a strong organization. A strong organization representing
pilots is the goal of NAPPF.
The election of your Regional Director and the At Large Directors will determine
the progress of NAPPF. Please read the biographies and select the candidates
that best represent your thoughts on the sport and the industry.
Information on Board Internet meetings, safety issues, organization structure,
news, links, NAPPF UPDATE and other topics can be found at
www.nappf.com. Suggestions for topics that are not covered on the website
can be sent to
This is an important election – Please Vote
May 2002 Roy
Arriving To A Consensus Standard
As the light
aviation community begins a move to Sport Pilot, there is another concern that
aircraft manufacturers are preparing for. That is the concept of a consensus
standard for Light Plane design and manufacturing practices. What I’ll try to do
this month is give manufacturers, potential manufacturers, and pilots an idea of
how this will impact our sport.
First I need to explain what Sport Pilot, Light Planes, and consensus standards
are and how they are related. Sport Pilot is a new rating that is being created
by the FAA. This rating is meant to be a means to legitimize pilots of machines
that are not really ultralights and are not FAA certified either. The Sport
Pilot rating is meant to take the place of the BFI/AFI/UFI programs that the
various alphabet soup organizations are running and at the same time give FAA
certified pilots that have lost their medicals a chance to fly heavier than
ultralight aircraft.
Since the Sport Pilot rating is an actual FAA pilot’s license, the FAA figured
that the aircraft that the actual sport pilots would fly should be some kind of
‘certified’ aircraft. Unfortunately, one of the problems with general aviation
(or GA) is that the certification process for aircraft is very expensive. That
in turn helps make GA aircraft expensive and that makes flying less accessible
to the general public (or GP).
So the FAA had to search for some kind of safety standard for the aircraft that
sport pilots would be taking to the sky. Believe it or not, there really is not
a fully accepted manufacturing standard for fixed wing ultralights and there is
no standard at all for the newer flavors of lighter aircraft like powered
parachutes, trikes, and gyroplanes. That’s great for folks that accept the risk
and choose to fly solo into the skies. That’s because less government overhead
keeps aircraft prices down and design innovations up for educated ultralight
pilots that understand the risk they are taking when they enter into the sport.
The problem occurs when someone climbs into a second seat on any aircraft. There
is a generally accepted thought that those types of aircraft should be built to
greater design and manufacturing standards.
That posed a problem for the FAA. The government folks really believe that
flying machines that are heavier, faster, and have more seats than an ultralight
should have to have some kind of certification. An alternative to the
full-blown, complicated types of certificates like Type Certificates and
Production Certificates is the idea of manufacturers self-certifying their
aircraft as built to a standard that has been agreed upon by the industry.
Of course the government is not going to just let manufacturers issue
Airworthiness Certificates just because the manufacturers are saying they’re
doing the right thing. (At least not technically.) That is still going to be a
job for Designated Airworthiness Representatives. DARs are individuals that act
under the general supervision of the FAA to inspect aircraft for certification,
to issue airworthiness certificates, and to issue documentation showing the
operating limits of a particular aircraft. However, most DARs don’t get their
money from the FAA unless they are already employees of the FAA. Many DARs get
their money from fees charged to folks that want their aircraft certified. In
fact, there is a realistic expectation that many DARs will work directly for
some of the light plane manufacturers. So kind of, in a way, it could look to
the untrained eye like perhaps that the government might just be letting
manufacturers issue their own Airworthiness Certificates. But you would be
Seriously, any DAR that signs on the dotted line for an aircraft takes on a big
responsibility that the aircraft is airworthy. That is one of the reasons that
part of the certification paperwork will be a signed statement by a principal of
the manufacturing company. That letter will state that the individual aircraft
was built according to the consensus standard accepted by the FAA. Oh, dear.
We’re back to consensus standards.
So What’s In A Consensus Standard?
A consensus standard sets out the basic rules that manufacturers have to
stick to when designing, building, delivering, and supporting a light-sport
aircraft. The rules are general so that they pertain to an entire family of
aircraft such as powered parachutes, trikes, fixed wing or gyroplane. They
include quality assurance standards, production acceptance standards, continuing
airworthiness and operational safety standards but that is just the beginning of
What most folks are focused on are the Aircraft Design standards. This is
because different manufacturers have different ideas of what constitutes a well
built aircraft. The consensus standard for a particular aircraft category will
address areas such as Flight, Structure, Design & Construction, Equipment, and
Operating Limits & Information.
Design standards for flight specify the minimum performance standards for the
aircraft type. Things like stalling speeds, takeoff distances, climb capability,
landings, controllability, maneuverability, stability and more are things that
designers can put numbers to and design for.
Structure standards define how strong an aircraft needs to be. Other measurable
things like loads, safety factors, flight loads, flight envelopes, design
airspeeds and more are things that the average pilot may not understand, but
count on being right when flying an aircraft.
Design and Construction standards specify how well an aircraft should be built.
Topics here include things we are more familiar with like fabrication methods,
self-locking nuts, pilot compartments, engines, propellers, fuel tanks, fuel
filters and the like. This is where the minimum standards for materials and
workmanship are addressed.
Equipment standards define what kinds of flight and navigation instruments
should be installed and what standards there should be for the instruments. It
also talks about engine instruments and safety belts and harnesses.
Finally, design standards also include what minimum information a manufacturer
should provide to the owner/pilot of that aircraft. ‘Small’ details like weight
and center of gravity, powerplant limitations, instructions for continued
airworthiness, airplane manuals, operating limitations, and operating procedures
are all going to presumably be required from manufacturers.
It is great to set up standards for manufacturing a product, but those standards
are no good unless the factory has a process to assure that each aircraft
produced conforms to the factory’s own design data. That is why the consensus
standards will also include standards for setting up factory quality assurance
(QA) programs.
QA programs cover entire manufacturing processes from testing and accepting raw
materials and components through final testing of the completed aircraft. Part
of QA programs involve setting up a QA organization that works with and
throughout the entire factory. Normally QA programs identify steps in the
production process where inspections or tests should be conducted to make sure
that all of the parts are being produced properly and out of the correct
After an aircraft is constructed it should be inspected to make sure that it
performs according to its standards as promised in its flight manual and as
demonstrated by the prototype aircraft. These are what are called Acceptance
Test Standards. These standards are actually part of the QA program but are set
out separately. Some of the measurements taken include empty weight and empty
center of gravity. Other items would require a test flight. Whether the aircraft
flies according to performance specifications, how controllable it is,
stability, stall speed, engine cooling, propeller limits, and other aircraft
systems are all done best in flight.
The QA standard would not necessarily mean that each plane be test flown, but
would acknowledge that a sampling should be flown to make sure that the planes
are being built properly.
The FAA also wants to make sure that the aircraft built to a consensus standard
remain airworthy after delivery. This is called “Continuing Airworthiness
Standards”. The FAA wants to make sure that there is a system in place to
monitor and maintain operational safety of aircraft after they leave the
factory. That could be accomplished by developing an agreement between
manufacturers and customers documenting each ones responsibilities to do just
that. Further, the manufacturer is supposed to make sure that customers do not
make modifications to in-service aircraft that would take that aircraft out of
compliance with the airworthiness standard. In fact, the manufacturer also has
to approve all modifications to the aircraft by the owner. The mechanism
detailing how to do these things can also be done through an agreement between
customers and manufacturers.
There are other topics like “Continued Operational Safety”, “Identification of
Safety of Flight Issues”, “Pilot Reporting of Occurrences of Safety of Flight
Issues”, and “Notification of Required Modifications to Operators”. Together,
these programs are supposed to help keep an aircraft safe after it leaves the
There needs to be a plan to first accept pilot reports of safety issues. Then
there needs to be a plan for the manufacturer to publish those issues to other
owners. If a modification is required, then there needs to be a procedure to
notify operators of the required changes to an aircraft to make it safe again.
Finally, before a company gets run out of business by having to advertise all of
its mistakes, it needs to have a program in place to continue this program after
its demise. This could take the form of an aircraft owners association or
similar organization.
There are other housekeeping items that need to be in a consensus document.
Items like the mechanism to keep the standards up-to-date and a way to issue a
“Safety of Flight Bulletin” in case the standard changes so much that something
radical has to be done to older equipment to make it safe.
As you can see, there are a lot of topics that need to be addressed, but that
does not mean that the document has to be complicated. For machines like powered
parachutes that have a great safety record, the document could presumably be
fairly thin. A lot of that depends on the folks writing the document.
So Who’s In Consensus?
A common misconception is that only the manufacturers get to participate in
writing the consensus standards. They get a very strong voice since they have a
strong interest in the outcome, but they are not the only players.
First the FAA is part of the process as well as the ultimate authority in
determining if the consensus standards are even accepted. To rephrase an old
saw, “If the FAA ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy”. But even the FAA answers to a
higher authority, in this case the Office of Management and Budget. The OMB
states that whatever group develops the consensus standard has to use an
acceptable process. Part of that process is making sure that interested parties
who are affected by the standard have a say in writing the standard if they
chose to.
That means that pilots, instructors, resellers,
maintainers, component suppliers, and others can work with the manufacturers and
the FAA. There also has to be a “balance of interest” to make sure that
everyone’s concerns are considered and that the decisions made do not favor just
one particular group of people.
Even though the FAA has not made Sport Pilot a rule yet, industry folks are
already trying to decide how to go about writing the consensus standards for the
different flavors of aircraft. Who actually does the work has not yet been
Of course some of the user groups such as the Popular Rotorcraft Association and
the North American Powered Parachute Association are uniquely positioned to do
some of the work if they are able to. Both organizations are unique in that they
represent most of the constituents of a particular flavor of light sport plan.
Still another choice is a professional standards writing organization such as
ASTM or ASME. Both of those organizations know very little about aviation, but
know a lot about developing consensus standards for a variety of industries.
How Important Is Any Of This If I Already Own An Aircraft?
Actually if you already own an aircraft, none of this really matters to you.
These will be new standards that will be finished and adopted some time after
Sport Pilot goes into effect. Even if Sport Pilot is made into a regulation,
there are provisions in the proposed rule to bring existing aircraft into the
system as experimental aircraft. That will allow you to keep flying your older
aircraft as a sport pilot when the time comes.
Roy Beisswenger is founder of the Easy Flight Powered Parachute Training
Center in Greenville, IL. You can reach him at
Courtesy of UltraFlight Magazine,
April 2002
Jim Sweeney
Sport Pilot & NAPPF Admin
Sport Pilot
This issue of
AERO CONNECTIONS is full of reviews, comments and suggestions on the Sport Pilot
NPRM. It is important that we take the time to review the NPRM and send our
comments to the FAA and copy the ultralight organizations. The document is not
perfect and your comment may make the difference on a necessary change. Beyond
that, we have another challenge – get the word out. I have talked with many
ultralight pilots that do not understand the importance of the comment period
and may not have read the NPRM or be familiar with it. Discuss the comment
period up at your club, at your flying field and with fellow pilots. Every
individual comment counts.
There are two additional items you can work on. First, if you do not keep a log
book of your flying time, start one. Between now and the time the NPRM
transition period is over, you may be able to complete all of the experience
necessary for the certificate you have in mind. Second, if you are reading this
UPDATE, you are probably a member of ASC and your logged flight time counts.
What about the pilots you are flying with? Are they a member of one of the
recognized ultralight organizations? Per the NPRM, prior experience will not
count if you are not a registered member of one of the recognized ultralight
organizations. Ask around. Get them to join one of the organizations. 24 months
from the date the NPRM becomes law they will thank you for the suggestion.
Director Elections
The election for Regional Board
Directors has been completed. Due to the late delivery of some ballots, the
postmark due date was extended to allow for late arriving ballots. The results
of the election are as follows:
East Central
Region WI, MI, IL, IN, OH Mike Harmening
South Central Region NM, TX, OK, AR,
LA Scott Hughes
At Large
Region All States Roy
Congratulations to the new and re-elected board members. This is going to be an
active year and we will be drawing on their expertise in guiding the
organization. I know they would like to hear from the membership. There contact
numbers and e-mail addresses can be found at
www.nappf.com. The appreciation of the board and members goes out to Tim
LeBlanc who elected not to seek re-election. Tim served many years on the board
and was a valued board member. Thank you.
NAPPF National Competition
During the internet board meeting the
topic of the NAPPF National Competition was discussed and voted on. The
vote was to sanction the World Powered Paraqchute Championships, Greenville, IL as the 2002
NAPPF National Competition. The competition will be held Aug 15 – Aug 18.
Competition rules can be found at
www.chute-out.com. Qualification tasks are on Thu & Fri and the competition
is on Sat & Sun. The mail-in registration data will be available shortly at
www.chute-out.com and at
www.nappf.com. The board will continue discussions on NAPPF prizes and a
booth at the event.
Public Affairs Committee
The board voted to form a standing
committee for public affairs. Ralph McClurg was elected chairman. The first
objective of the committee is an NAPPF comment & response to the Sport Pilot
NPRM. The committee would appreciate hearing comments from the membership on
the sections of the NPRM that are of concern. As you send your comments to the
FAA, please copy Ralph and other ultralight organizations as appropriate.
Ralph’s contact data can be found at
NAPPF Executive Officers
The executive officers of NAPPF have
been serving beyond their term to help the organization transition to a Pilot
driven organization. The board would like to thank Randy Sneed, serving as
President and VP, and Suzann Harmening serving as Secretary and Treasurer, for
their years of service as Executive Officers.
The board held an election as part of the internet meeting for Executive
Officers. The executive officer positions are filled by current board members as
nominated and voted for by current board members. The results of the
Executive Officer election are as follows:
President Jim Sweeney At Large Region
Vice President Jeff Jensen At Large Region
Secretary Doug Miller At Large
Treasurer Sol Lovas Northwest
The Executive Officers serve for two years
or until their successors are elected.
NAPPF Board Meeting
An NAPPF Board meeting will be held at
Sun N Fun, Thursday, 4/11/02, 2:00 PM, at the ASC tent. All members are invited
to attend the board meeting. This will be an opportunity to meet the board
members who are able to attend. The board meeting at Sun N Fun is an in person
continuation of the of the ongoing internet board meeting.
NAPPF Members Meeting
There will a meeting for NAPPF members
at Sun N Fun, Thursday, 4/11/02, 2:30 PM, at the ASC tent. All members and those
interested in NAPPF are invited to attend. The goal of the meeting is member
interaction with the board on current topics. All industry and NAPPF issues are
valid topics. If you are able to attend Sun N Fun, the board hopes you will take
the time to attend the NAPPF Member Meeting.
March 2002
Jim Sweeney
Sport Pilot
By now you have heard about
Sport Pilot, but just in case. The long awaited Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(NPRM) was published in the Federal Register on 2/5/02 and available on the
internet before that. Documentation is available at
nappf.com. Check the Sport Pilot section and for more detailed
information, check the LINKS section.
The proposal suggests changes in the regulations that impact all pilots and
ultralights and more specifically powered parachutes. A new aircraft category,
Powered Parachute, will be created. This recognizes that the PPC is an aircraft
and that it has unique flying characteristics different than airplanes. It
allows pilots of all levels, student through ATP, with the proper training and
log book endorsements to fly the aircraft. We will no longer be called a
vehicle or a machine, but rather an aircraft.
There is much more to the proposed changes and all of them will have an impact
on you and your aircraft. Although I think that the proposed changes are good
and fill the gap between Part 103 and Part 91, the document is not perfect.
There are items that were overlooked and not included, while others can stand
some modification. The good point is that we have the opportunity to comment on
the document and suggest changes till May 6, 2002. All of the comments will be
replied to as a group of similar comments.
What ever your initial feeling, get involved. If you do not want to review the
document in detail, there are a number of groups and individuals that are
reviewing the document. Their overview and evaluations are available to you and
I know they would like your support. Check the LINKS section of the website to
locate groups or the chat rooms for individuals.
Remember, Part 103 does not change, nor does it go away. If a pilot does not
like the proposed changes, he/she can still fly under Part 103 in a Part 103
legal machine.
Some other topics
The results of the Regional elections will be announced on the website in
March. Take a look the results may already be posted.
The Board is voting on the location of the NAPPF National Competition. The
result of the vote will also be posted on the website.
As the 2002 flying season begins, remember your Annual Condition Inspection and
Fly Safe
February 2002
Jim Sweeney
It’s Not Too Late
As this issue of UPDATE hits
the street, it should be mid February, but it’s not too late. The arrival of
winter has slowed the flying up north, but it’s still not too late. Even if
winter is mild where you are, it’s not too late. You still have time to attend
an Ultralight Safety Seminar.
The seminars have been offered for a number of years and even broadcast live via
the internet. Not every state offers a Safety Seminar, but where they are
offered, they are of great value. Topics vary from year to year and the content
may prevent an accident. Topics such as weather, preflight, annual inspections,
regulations, airspace, aerodynamics, safe operating procedures, engines,
canopies, navigation, GPS operation and radio procedure are some of the topics
that have been presented in the past. This year new topics may be added or the
basics may be refreshed. In any case, the content is sure to be of value.
The objective of the seminars is to get pilots thinking about safety and topics
that may not have been reviewed during the past year. Even if you are current on
the topics, it’s an opportunity to hear the subject from a different perspective
and possibly in more detail. It’s an opportunity to ask questions of
knowledgeable speakers and get good solid answers. It’s an opportunity to
discuss ideas eye to eye, a change from the chat room.
Below is a list of Safety Seminar dates and locations. These are some of the
best known and longest running Ultralight Safety Seminars. The list does not
contain every seminar, but it is a starting point. If a seminar is not scheduled
in your area, ask around, check with your local club, instructor, dealer or FSDO.
There may be a Safety Seminar or WINGS Program* in your local area.
What to do if there is not a seminar or program close to you? How about
organizing a program? It doesn’t have to be as large as the seminars listed. It
may just be the club or a group of fellow pilots. It may be only one or two
topics presented by a local instructor. It will be an opportunity for fellow
pilots to ask questions, discuss topics of interest and think safety. Airspace,
NOTAMs and Temporary Flight Restrictions are always topics of interest.
Sponsor a meeting – they will come. If you know a place to hold the meeting,
the presentation material and speakers are available. The speakers may be a
local instructor, a representative from the industry (dealer, manufacturer or
distributor) or from one of the organizations (ASC, EAA, USUA or FAA). The
presentation material can be from training manuals, material from one of the
organizations or information from the internet. Someone in your group may
volunteer to speak on a topic.
If the flying has slowed in your area you can still think flying and about
safety. If the flying is going strong even though it’s winter, all the more
reason to think safety. Attend or hold a Safety Seminar. Your safety could
depend on it.
* For information on the FAA WINGS Program go to
Ultralight Safety Seminars
January 12, 2002, Lakeland Safety
Seminar, Lakeland, FL, contact: Rick Crose 407-658-1726
January 26, 2002, Light Aviation Safety Seminar, Tarrant Co. College, 4801
Marine Creek Parkway,
Ft. Worth, TX, contact: Sam Cox 817-232-3379
January 26, 2002, BUG Kentucky Ultralight Safety Seminar, Lexington, KY,
contact: Alan Layman 606-734-5965
February 23, 2002, Illinois Ultralight/Light Plane Safety Seminar, Springfield,
IL, contact: Roy Beisswenger 618-664-9706
March 2, 2002, Wisconsin Ultralight
Safety Seminar (WUSS), Stephen’s Point, WI, contact: Bart Gaffney 608-221-8888,
March 9, 2002, Indiana ultralight Safety
Seminar, Nobllesville, IN, contact: Jerry Hodson 765-457-4610 >4 PM
March 16, 2002, Virginia Ultralight Safety Seminar, contact: Carolyn Toth
Check ASC
www.aerosports.org/ for additions to the list
January 2002
Jim Sweeney
As the New Year begins it is a good time to review last
year and look forward to the new flying season. With that thought in mind, I
will make this the Housekeeping issue of NAPPF UPDATE.
National Competition
Last year NAPPF participated in the World Power Parachute Championships. We
were a major sponsor of the Grand Prize, the Ford Harley-Davidson pickup. Early
in 2002 the board has to make a decision to hold our own National Championships,
sanction another championship event or sponsor an existing championship. Your
Regional Directors are looking for your input on this topic. A list of the
Regional Directors can be found at nappf.com.
Our website, nappf.com, is back on the net after a lengthy absence. The
goal for the website is “Pilot Awareness and Education” and to this end,
information will be posted for quick access. So far, FAR Part 103, Advisory
Circular AC103-7, links and other information have been posted. Please give the
new website a look and send your suggestions for other topics and information to
be posted. We are also looking for authors of original material that would be
of interest to the membership.
Elections will be held in March for three of the Regional Director
positions. Nominations are due by mid January. A short bio is required of
candidates interested in running for the positions. Information on the
election, Regional Director positions up for election, nomination requirements
and an address for the bio to be sent is available at nappf.org or the December
issue of AERO CONNECTIONS. We are looking for people interested in working with
other members to make NAPPF a strong organization representing the members.
The board has established a sub-committee, chaired by Sol Lovas, to review
powered parachute training material. The intent is to be able to recommend
training material to instructors, dealers and owners that is accurate and
complete. A checklist is being prepared for all material to be measured
against. The results will be posted and available to the membership. If you
have training material that you think should be reviewed, send an e-mail with
the name of the material and where we can find it to Sol Lovas. Sol’s e-mail
can be found at nappf.com.
Annual Inspection
Remember, an inspection of your powered parachute is required every 12
months if you are operating under the Training Exemption. Most pilots seem to
comply with this requirement by inspecting their machine in the spring, after
its winter rest and before the frequent flying starts again.
If you fly more than 100 hours in the twelve month period, a additional
inspection is required every 100 hours between the annual inspections. The date
and results of the inspection should be logged in the logbook you keep for your
powered parachute. An Inspection Guideline is posted on nappf.com
Before you fly, remember to check for new NOTAMs in your area. The addition
to Part 103 now requires that we check NOTAMs before we fly. A call to WXBRIEF
will get you the weather and a list of the current NOTAMs in your area.
In the November issue of NAPPF UPDATE covering the World Powered Parachute
Championships, I omitted one of the major sponsors of the event, ULTRAFLIGHT
magazine. ULTRAFLIGHT has been a sponsor to the event every year and a
supporter of the powered parachute industry and pilots. My apologies to Jim and
Irene Byers.
December 2001
Jim Sweeney
The days are getting shorter and the temperatures
are dropping. For most, that means that the air show and fly-in season is over
and our flying is slowing. Good time to complete some housekeeping.
Elections for NAPPF Directors whose terms have expired are due and a time table
for the elections has been established:
Announcement of Elections 12/15/01 December issue of AERO
Nominations Due 1/20/02 NAPPF Nomination Committee
Ballots Mailed 2/1/02 NAPPF Secretary
Ballots Due 2/28/02 NAPPF Secretary
Results Announced 3/15/02 NAPPF Secretary
Three Director positions are up for
South Central Region:
New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana.
Only members living in this these states are eligible to vote for the South
Central Regional Director. The current board member is Tim LeBlanc. Nominations
of members living in these states, interested in this position are requested.
East Central Region:
Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.
Only members living in this these states are eligible to vote for the North
Central Regional Director. The current board member is Mike Harmening.
Nominations of members living in these states, interested in this position are
At Large Region
All members are eligible to vote for
the At Large Director. The current board member is Roy Beisswenger. Nominations
of any members interested in this position are requested.
With this issue of NAPPF UPDATE, we are
announcing the election to be held in February, 2002, by mail.
Nominations of candidates should be sent
to the NAPPF Nomination Committee c/o Jim Sweeney 23385 Cattail Barrington, IL
60010 or E-Mail
jimsweeney@att.net. Nominations should be received by 1/20/02. A short bio
from each candidate must also be received by 1/20/02.
Ballots will be sent by the secretary
to each member in good standing on or about 2/1/02. Ballots will be sent to the
member’s address on file.
Due Date
Ballots must be returned to the secretary with a postmark no later than 2/28/02.
The secretary will announce the results of
the election on 3/15/02.
We are looking for interested and active members
to participate on the Board of Directors. If you are interested or know of
someone who is, please nominate them and complete the bio.
November 2001
Jim Sweeney
2001 World Powered
Parachute Championship
The World Powered
Parachute Championship was held this past August in Greenville, Illinois. 70
pilots participated as spectators enjoyed the competition and festivities on the
field. Sponsors of the Championship included ASC, NAPPF, APPC and other
aviation organizations and local businesses.
The sport and industry, in addition to the pilots, were benefactors of the good
publicity generated by advertising and coverage of the event by the Discovery
Wings Channel, industry periodicals, regional TV and cable systems, and locally
on radio and in newspapers. Literally millions of people heard about the sport
and the event.
The competition began on Thursday in order to complete the pre-qualifying rounds
before the weekend. By the weekend the number of competitors was reduced from 70
down to 25. To qualify, pilots flew three events - bomb drop, spot landing, and
multiple carrier hops.
Saturday the events became more technically challenging and the competitors rose
to the occasion. Obstacle Precision Landings, Taxi Pylon Runs, Multiple Carrier
Hops, Ribbon Cutting Contests, and Engine Out Landings gave the pilots plenty of
opportunities to show their stuff.
Pilots were challenged by both the events and by the wind conditions on Saturday
and Sunday. When winds kept competitors on the ground, there were still things
to do. Equipment manufacturers had displays that were successful in showing
their wares to the public. There were food vendors, music, and even carnival
On Friday night spectators were entertained by Bill Amyx and his Powrachute
outfitted with fireworks. While the band played “Night Riders in the Sky”, Bill provided everyone with a great air-to-air and ground-to-air fireworks
show. On Saturday night the skies were lit again by the largest fireworks show
ever seen in the Greenville area.
When the competition ended Sunday
afternoon, Scott Hughes and Jeff Jensen found themselves sharing
second place and a Chiron elliptical chute sponsored by Chiron. Norm Burley took
home first place and a Powrachute PC 2000 sponsored by Powrachute, Performance
Designs, Grand Rapids Technologies and Powerfin.
That left Clyde Poser as the World Champion Powered Parachute Pilot for 2001. He
took home a Ford-Harley-Davidson F150 truck sponsored by the State of Illinois,
NAPPF and Engle Brothers Ford. Clyde gave a very gracious acceptance speech
where he acknowledged the skills of all of the competitors.
A full list of competitors and their standings is available at
As a major sponsor, NAPPF is working with the American Powered Parachute
Association (APPCA), ASC and the other sponsors to promote the sport and develop
pilot flying skills through competition.
Thanks also must go out to the judges and volunteers that worked long hours to
make the event a success.
2001 Jim Sweeney
Wake Up Call
Tragically, on September 11. 2001, our nation received a
wake up call as never before. Our hearts and prayers go out to all who lost
relatives and friends in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. The combined
strength of our citizens and leaders will get us through this crisis. We are a
nation strong and united.
To the ultralight community, the first week of the national emergency was
confusion. Are we part of the National Airspace System? Does the closed airspace
include us? Where can I get information? What is a NOTAM?
During ground school and/or the BFI Refresher course, the topic of Airspace was
most likely presented. Class A, B, C, D, E and G, the inverted wedding cake,
cloud clearance and visibility and communications were all part of the
discussion. What may have not seemed important then is now looking us square in
the eye. If we want to continue to exercise the privileges of flight, we must
understand and comply with the National Airspace System.
Be there no doubt, we have always been part of and fly within the airspace
system, be it at 100 ft or 5000 ft. Now is a good time to take time and review
airspace and encourage those you fly with to do the same.
Many articles and books cover the topic very well. The FAA has published the
airspace diagram and requirements for each class of airspace for years. In
addition, detailed information is available in the FAR/AIM (Federal Aviation
Regulations / Aeronautical Information Manual). Copies of all publications are
available from FBOs, Pilot shops, the Internet, aviation organizations and the
local FAA Flight Safety District Office. Time to have your own personal copy
for review and hangar flying.
Once you understand the airspace, you need to know where you are in it. What is
the date of your Sectional Chart? Is it current? Do you carry one? Reviewing a
current Sectional Chart is how you determine where you are in the airspace.
Before you fly, spend some time reviewing where you intend to fly on the
Sectional. See who you are sharing the airspace with.
Each time you fly, before you leave the ground, you should obtain as much
information as possible on weather, the airspace system, the local field/airport
and the aircraft to allow a safe and enjoyable flight. We have all been taught
to check the weather and do a thorough preflight, but do you also check the
status of the airport and the airspace? Checking the local field can be done by
walking the field and checking with other pilots and/or the owner. In addition
to weather information, checking the airspace system and distant airports can be
done with a call to 1-800-WXBRIEF.
NOTAM – Notice to Airmen, are advisories of interest to pilots. They contain
information that may adversely impact safe and normal flight. Changing
information on airports, obstructions, navigational aids and airspace are a few
of the topics that may be covered. After you receive a weather briefing, the
briefer should offer NOTAMs. If they are not offered, you should ask for the
NOTAMs that pertain to your route of flight or flying area.
We fly in the National Airspace System, we are a part of it and we need to
comply with its requirements. If we expect respect from our fellow users of the
airspace system, then we need understand the system, be compliant and fly safe.
September 2001
Jim Sweeney
What to Do?
The hot topic at Air Venture 2001 was Sport
Pilot and Light Aircraft. Norm Mineta, Jane Garvey and Sue Gardner all
expressed their disappointment that they could not announce the Notice of
Proposed Rule Making but did reconfirmed their commitment to the new rules.
The process remaining for the proposal to become law has been well publicized.
The time required is the unknown. The 90-day public comment period is well
defined, but the amount of required time before and after is vague at best.
So what is the active ultralight pilot to do between now and the proposal
becoming law and during the proposed transition period? I believe that the
answer is simple – do what you have been doing that is safe and works.
For pilots, Part 103 is still in effect and will be even after Sport Pilot and
Light Aircraft have become law. Read it over and check your compliance. Many
sections of Part 103 were taken from Parts 61 and Part 91 and they will be
applicable to the Sport Pilot. Reviewing Part 103 will begin your study for the
Knowledge Test anticipated for Sport Pilot.
Instructors should review the Training Exemption they instruct under. ASC, EAA
and USUA in their receptive Training Exemptions very well define the
expectations of instructors. Are you and your students compliant? The Training
Exemptions promote safety and have been good for students, instructors and the
industry. They also contain many requirements that are already utilized in Part
61, Part 91 and Part 23.
Are you already in good shape under Part 103 and the Training Exemption? If you
are, then you may want to look at the full paragraphs of Parts 61 and 91
referenced in Part 103. It may surprise some, but a large portion of Part 103
and the Training Exemptions are taken directly form Parts 61 and 91 and from
good practices developed over the years in other aviation areas. The full
paragraphs can be found in the FAR/AIM publications available at aviation stores
and pilot shops. No doubt that some paragraphs will change with Sport Pilot,
but it does not hurt to have the background understanding.
So what to do? Continue to do what is safe. Continue to fly by Part 103 and
instruct by the Training Exemption.
Part 23 - Airworthiness standards: Normal, utility, acrobatic, and commuter
category airplanes
Part 61 - Certification: Pilots, flight instructors, and ground instructors
Part 91 - General operating and flight rules
Part 103 - Ultralight Vehicles
Norman Mineta Secretary of Transportation
Jane Garvey FAA Administrator
Sue Gardner FAA National Program Manager – Sport Aviation
July 2001
Jim Sweeney
Open for Business
The NAPPF is open for business for the new flying year. With the current
election cycle over, we can even hang out a sign saying "Under New Management".
Along with some new names is a more streamlined way of doing business. At Sun
'n Fun, the NAPPF board approved new procedures for running our ongoing internet
format meeting. This type of meeting allows NAPPF a way to function over the
weeks and months when we cannot have an in person meetings.
Below is a list of the directors of the NAPPF, newly elected and otherwise. As
you look over this list of names, locate the person that is there to represent
your region. Do not feel shy about writing or calling this person. It is
actually encouraging for a representative to get calls from interested NAPPF
members. It is another chance for the representative to learn what is on folk’s
minds and then to share those thoughts with others on the board.
NAPPF is divided into 9 regions with a Director representing each region. There
are 5 additional Directors who represent the NAPPF at large. The Directors are
elected by the NAPPF membership and serve staggered three-year terms. The
Executive Board is elected by the Directors and serves a 2-year term.
Executive Board
President Randy Snead
Vice President Randy Snead
Secretary Suzann Harmening
Treasurer Suzann Harmening
Northwestern Region ‑ includes the states of Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho,
Wyoming and Alaska.
Sol Lovas
Southwestern Region ‑ includes the states of California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah,
Colorado and Hawaii.
Phil Dietro
North Central Region ‑ includes the states of N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Minnesota,
Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri.
Ralph McClurg
South Central Region ‑ includes the states of New Mexico, Texas,
Oklahoma, Arkansas and Louisiana.
Tim LeBlanc
East Central Region ‑ includes the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois,
Indiana and Ohio.
Mike Harmening
Southeastern Region ‑ includes the states of Kentucky, Tennessee, N.
Carolina, S. Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Puerto Rico and
the Virgin Islands.
John Massey
Northeastern Region ‑ includes the states of Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire,
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, New
York, Pennsylvania, W. Virginia, Virginia and District of Columbia.
Barry Shellington
Jim Smyth
Jeff Jensen
Roy Beisswenger
Jim Sweeney
Doug Miller
Randy Snead
Buckeye Industries
Dan Bailey
Six‑Chuter Inc
Suzann Harmening
Harmening High Flyers
Matt Dautle Paladin
Eddie Johnson
Rivers Destiny
June 2001 Jim
Board Meeting
An NAPPF Board meeting
was held at Sun N Fun in April. Board members in attendance included Roy
Beisswenger, Matt Dautle, Suzann Harmening, Mike Harmening, Eddie Johnson, Jeff
Jensen, Randy Snead and Jim Sweeney.
Topics discussed covered activities during the past year, current status and
plans for the new flying season.
Suzann Harmening presented the Treasurer’s Report. There were no major
expenditures last year, so the balance in the association checking account has
grown to $12, 963. Our major source of funds is dues. NAPPF receives $7.50 from
ASC for new or renewing members that select NAPPF as their Wing.
The Board discussed ways to keep the membership better informed of Board
activities and to solicit ideas & suggestions from the membership.
Jim Stephenson, ASC, offered space in
AERO CONNECTIONS magazine for NAPPF updates and association news. The Board
voted to accept the offer and submit updates for publication.
During the past year, the Board conducted meetings over the Internet. Progress
of the meetings was slow and not very productive. The Board discussed the
Internet meeting format at length and a number of suggestions were made for
improvement. The Board voted to give the Internet and E-mail another chance for
Board meetings and to use a new format to speed the discussion of topics.
The location and sponsorship of the NAPPF Nationals drew much discussion. After
a number of suggestions and comments, the board voted to co-sponsor the Grand
Prize at the World Powerchute Championships. $7,000 was set aside for the
prize. As a NAPPF sponsored event, a motion was made and carried that “ Any
person participating in the World Championships must be a NAPF member”. APPCA,
ASC and NAPPF will further discuss the details of membership for the event. The
board also voted to remove the NAPPF name from the World Powerchute Championship
Rulebook. This change removes NAPPF from the rule making process and allows
APPCA to make rule adjustments to keep the tasks challenging while safe for the
Other topics included an association brochure and website. Both items were
continued to the Internet meeting.
Election Results
NAPPF held the annual election to fill expired and open positions. Of 1272
ballots sent out, 356 were returned. The winners, by geography, are:
At large Tony Irwin, Doug Miller, Jim Sweeney
Canada Jim Smyth
North Central Ralph McClurg
North East Barry Shellington
South East John Massey
The newly elected officers will join the board immediately and participate in
the Internet meetings. Their term of office will continue till September 2002.
Please welcome our new board members and involve them in your comments and
suggestions for NAPPF.